charge the mound!!!

Sep 14, 2005 20:52

me and denny went running tonight and boy was it great! we went up this huge hill and i didnt think i was gonna make it but i was praying for strength and with God's help and denny's encouragement we eventually made it. my legs were screaming! i was yelling up the hill like rocky or something. and then when we got off the cross country trails we ran half a mile around the field so were not really sure how far we ran but whatever it was was fantastic! and then we took off our shoes and socks and ran through the fountain! well i kinda cheated and didnt go straight through it but she did and got soaked. it was great. i showered and im about to do some latin and womens lit homework. cena parata est. dinner is ready. coloni puellas vocant. the farmers call the girls. feminae pueros ad agros magnos ducunt. the women lead the boys toward the big fields. thanks be to the paperwork and confusion, the phone rang and my day ended on a good note. motivation holds no weight. none whatsoever. i go to the doctor in the morning. bring on the acutane. im tired of feeling bad about myself. even though it does take a month or so to kick in, thats one month closer that i dont have to walk around with my head held down. the appointment is in winchester. im kind of excited about getting out of berea for a few hours. thanks to rhi for the loanage of her motorized vehicle!! im out. i love you, mom! =) you, too, beckster. haha...beckster. now you know how i feel about smash..and smashley...and smashalette...darn frankie for that last one.

'i dont mean to be so strange but my life just took a change cause i just found someone special and thats really something special if you knew me nice to meet you anyway and the sky opened up....dreaming of my true loooooooove so before this goes too far let me tell me you what you are-youre amazing im attracted but im terribly distracted and im trying to be verbal and im back into the circle cause i just found someone special and thats really something special if you knew me nice to meet you anyway'-gd
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