Sep 05, 2005 21:42
so im not so consistent with the updating thing nowadays. ill try and catch up. friday night me leigh rhi ari and oli watched the beginning of sin city which the majority of us did not find appealing so we watched birth. it was weird. we ate strawberries covered in ooey gooey warm chocolate mmmmm. good thinking, girls.
saturday i went to praise dance. it was pretty cool, kinda cheesy. we learned a hip hop dance to mary mary's shackles off. have you ever seen me dance hip hop? no, and theres a reason for that.
yesterday was church. very nice. pastor kevin talked about how some churches think that the pastor is supposed to do it all, but he gave us references that talk about the pastor leading and training up the members to be ministers and stuff like that. it was really great, so now we're all thinking of ways we can serve, instead of just taking in and being gluttons.
today was classes. watkins was harsh to a girl in class today. made me feel bad for her. humiliation does not work, people! it only makes us dread your stupid class more and more. i think i did good on my quiz in anatomy. tomorrow is my first lab. ill have to have a partner, and i know no one in there so...kinda skeered. i met my goal of 2 miles running today!!! i had set it for this weekend, but i just pushed myself a little harder today and found it not so bad. my calves are feelin the aftermath, but its totally worth it. got laundry done today. i read a passage in my Bible this morning that talked about doing good deeds and how we're not supposed to do them to be praised by people. if we're all honest with ourselves, there are many times when we do things so we'll get recognition for it. so now im wondering how to change the motivation. "change my motivations, change my attitudes, cause i cant change myself, but Lord i know you can, all that i am is on the altar, so you can alter all that i am." i guess we just pray for our motivations to be pure and holy. thats something im working on myself. anyways, just found that interesting.
hmm...i guess thats about it. its not yet 10 and im very seriously pondering the idea of going to bed. i do want to call lu tonight, so ill probably stay up a few more minutes. happy labor day to everybody but lame-o berea. (come our labor day in april, i wont be complaining)