Because I always post inane crap when I'm trying to make deadline and am in imminent danger of having my brains bleed out my ears if I proof one more thoroughly incomprehensible sentence, I bring you the First Annual Pagan Pet Peeve Thread!Post screening is off, and anyone is welcome to pimp this anywhere you like
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Paganism is a religion. Yes, a single, huge religion under an ever-loving Momma Goddess! (There's a God somewhere in there, too, but He's mostly brushed under the carpet, because things like hairy thighs and hunting and antlers are politically touchy.) Pagans celebrate eight sabbats, do magic on full moons and dance around in circles. If they don't do that, they're obviously not Pagans, so boo on them.
It's nice to be Pagan, because you get to cast spells. It's really easy: just rub some oil on a coloured candle and recite a little poem. (You don't even have to write it yourself! That's what Ravenwolf and McCoy are for!) When you can do spells, it means there'll never, ever be anything wrong in your life, because you can make your own reality. If something in your life sucks, that means you suck and probably deserve it because you did something bad in a past life.
Oh! There's one more thing! There's a rule called Rede that you will have to follow if you want to be a Pagan. It goes, "And you harmeth none, do what you want", which basically means you can do whatever as long as you don't eat meat or bind anyone with silk rope while doing it. There are some nasty people who do those things, but we Pagans don't support it because it's bad and oppressive.
Starbright Silvery Blessings!
Granted, people usually have more control over their lives than they give themselves credit for... but some take "magical thinking" a bit too far.
(Biggest Dianic Pet Peeve: stupid cutesy words. Wimmin. Wombyn. Dis-ease. All-one-ness. Despite my general rantiness, there really aren't that many things that I put in the "makes me want to claw my eyes out with a rusty spoon" category, but that's one of them. Along with its cousin, the use of made-up gender neutral pronouns on mailing lists (not always by Pagans, but often), especially the Hollywood-Nazi-sounding "zie" and "zir".)
I've been told that fibromyalgia is a "karmic debt" that I'm paying for something terrible I did in a past life. What the fuck ever.
I remember when I was in grad school, there were these fundies that would preach on the main square all the time. One time, I saw a guy arguing with one of them and this guy made the "afterlife of your choosing" argument. Of course, the fundie didn't care for this, and the whole discussion was like a train wreck to watch, but what amazed me was that the fluffy guy actually managed to look more stupid than the fundie. No mean feat.
(I still haven't quite worked out how I react to the Egyptian concept of the afterlife, and I'm NOT cool with the idea (promulgated by many modern Kemetics) that just about everyone is Justified (their heart is judged by Ma'at and found to be in balance). I do think you have to work pretty hard to get tossed to the Devourer (it's way the heck easier to go to Hell under Christian doctrine!), but I do think it happens.)
I don't want to too far down the road of armchair psychoanalysis because hey, I could be wrong, but I just don't see how someone can believe that the universe is that kind without having had a very easy pleasant life. Or maybe they've just had such a miserable life that they have to believe in something else that's so fluffy.
Admittedly, since I don't believe in an afterlife, it is all just varying degrees of silly to me.
It seems like most of our criticisms concern one form of fluffiness or another, so this has become the anti-fluffy vent.
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