One True Squick

May 13, 2009 20:05

One True Squick: The character that you never want to see 'shipped, twitch at the very idea of them and sex or romance in the same sentence, and, now that you're thinking about it, you'd really prefer to never see them cross the screen/page ever again. At all. Period. (Or, maybe not. Maybe they serve a good purpose in the story, they just squick you. A lot.)

Who's got one? Who's got more than one?

Inspired by this paragraph on fanficrants: For you guys who like to write Xander-Stu the Harem King, I can deal with Xander-Stu. I can deal just fine with all the hottie female characters on the show finding themselves wanting to get all groiny with Xander and falling in love with each other and making out with each other in order to have a hot sex-orgy with Xander as their love-god.

Xander? Is one of my all-time One True Squicks. Not nearly to the degree of the Evil Geek Trio in the one season of Buffy that I actually watched from beginning to end, though, I think I shuddered through every episode those fuckers were in. But Xander bugs the *shit* out of me for some reason I can't quite identify, and the idea of seeing him paired is squicky enough-- the idea of him as some kind of Marty Stu love god is enough to put me off dinner for the foreseeable future.

One more, for the heck of it? Sylar. He looks like Wolfman Junior. And I say this as someone who's married to a *very* hairy man. There's also a lot about the *character* of Sylar that squicks me too, I think he's a big part of why that show is fundamentally broken, but it's more than just Bad Character-itis. It's just one big Package o'Squickage, made even stronger by the idea that so many fangirls think he's sex on a stick. I'd be curious to see if Quinto squicks me as Spock, too, or if it's just something about Sylar, the character.

fandom, squick, tv

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