Sep 22, 2008 04:11
it is time for the Fibro Flare of Death. Every part of my body hurts, and the ones that don't merely ache, instead. I'm also completely and utterly exhausted, probably because I'm thrashing around in my sleep and generally getting 8+ hours of sleep but absolutely no rest, which means that I'll have to take a microbatch of work or none at all this week.
Joy. Rapture. Can I send this disease back now?
It's also doing nothing for my TARGIO posting, since I've been unable to do any Obama stuff in the last week. I'd hoped to at least find my local office and have a "hi, I'm a disabled person, what can I find to do for Barack that includes a chair?" conversation with them, and see if the office includes something dreadful, i.e. stairs. But no, Flare of Doom and sleep ack means it's too late by the time I shower to go anywhere, and too much pain even if it wasn't too late.
At least I've figured out how to resolve my NaNo issue. I know what I want to do, I've figured out exactly what in my plot and character idea to fix to make it work. Which involved giving myself permission to (a) make my Satanist character an amateur sleuth instead of a professional PI, and (b) write an anti-Palin screed if I choose to do so. So I decided to put my demon at the Republican retreat, thereby allowing me to collapse my longtime Satanist-demon-hunting-sleuth idea with my longtime murder-at-the-Republican-retreat idea. The demon character is going to be a nasty piece of business, even before he gets possessed. My sleuth is now re-envisioned as a jewelry designer who works part-time at her father-figure's PI agency, and who'll have opportunities to get more involved in that work if I choose to move her in that direction. (I need to take a class in beading. Her profession will be easier to write about if I do, I think.) I've changed a *lot* of the details about the character, though. This is looking much more traditionally Urban Fantasy than originally envisioned. I think it also takes itself a lot less seriously than the original idea, which helps.
But it's weird. Giving myself permission to write something that might shade into propaganda has freed me from *inadvertently* writing propaganda-- this idea, so far, is pro-Christian. At least, it's pro-*Catholic*, since there are two prominent devoutly Catholic characters. And an angel. And it'll quite likely grow more non-Catholic Christian characters, due to the setting. It's just that it's anti-people-who-don't-want-me-to-exist, and of two minds about whether politics is uplifting or merely an exercise in corruption, as one of the main proponents of politics ends up profoundly disillusioned by political work by plot's end. I haven't sketched out a lot of the Republican bit players yet, but it's without doubt that some (most?) will be composites of people I actually know. I also haven't decided yet who the murder victim is yet, it'll depend on who's in a position to threaten the demon's position.
So I'm really, really excited about my Minnow! (Mini Novel Writing Month, as I'm only committing to shoot for 30k. Fibro forbids me to attempt to push for 50k.)