Jun 03, 2004 14:57
Hi. I am here. Sort of. I'm still in school. It's so hectic. But it's good. I need it. I really think I do. I really like college. I like learning things that are important and not just stuff they try to shove down your throat. I like the freedom of being able to pick my classes. Even though I have to stick to my major. I keep thinking about changing my major. But then I realize that its the only thing that will work for all the careers I want when I grow up. Yes, I said careers. Multiple. I can't settle on just one. It's too hard. And much too scary. I'm a gemini. I'm indecisive. I want it all. Except fame. I don't want fame. I've realized in my old age that I enjoy privacy. I need it actually. I would go crazy without it. Sometimes I just love to be completely alone. I think that's why I like to drive. Everyone's like man, I don't like to drive anymore. Like it gets old or something. But not to me. I could just drive around forever. I want to. I want to just pick up and go. I want to see all sorts of crazy landmarks. Although, I don't think I'd want to be alone on that trip. The best thing about seeing new things is to have someone to share it with, ya know? Maybe oneday I'll drive to Mexico. Maybe next summer. How expensive do you think that would be? I hate gas. I want a hybrid car. And it's better for the air. I love air. I think people should realize just how absolutely great air is. I want to drive to Madagascar. I'd tell those people off. Using luekemia drugs as firewood. And I'd tell off George Fucking Bush too. I've never seen anyone so incapable of running a country. Hmm... maybe he could handle Madagascar. I'll pick him up on the way. If people have any sense they won't vote him in again. I could do it better. But if I were a politician I would have to hate myself. I don't understand why people don't care. Especially people are age. Hello!? This does affect you, dipshit. VOTE! "People who care who the next president is have no lives". God bless the youth of america. That guy's going to Madagascar too. Let me pause for a minute to apologize to the good people of Madagascar who know where I'm coming from.
Okay, I'm gonna be a journalist. I'm gonna make a difference. I'm not gonna waste the life that I was given. I'm gonna help. I need to do something. Things are out of control. With so much wrong with the world today, how can we just sit here. We're human beings. We can do something. I just have to know before my life is over that I have left this world in a better state than it was when I entered. That's the main goal.