Feb 11, 2010 12:00
Facebook is my anti-blog. Trying desperately to improve my writing/grammar, seeing as I've let it go to shit with texting over the years. Blogging is good. Must. Blog.
Snow has ruined my life! I spent the weekend/Monday snowed in at work. They put us up in a hotel, but we were forced to room with people. I was lucky in receiving the weekend manager as my roomie. By lucky I mean not so much, as she is the only person I couldn't let on to that I brought booze. I only actually slept there one night, and passed out the other two due to partying and things of that nature. Drunken snowball fight anyone? By the end of the long weekend we gave up in hiding our non-sobriety, and were ordering shots in front of management during dinner. I mean, what else are we to do with ourselves?
I received relief on Tuesday and was allowed to go home, but couldn't make it in yesterday due to the obvious. I have entirely too many roomies, but I have to say it was a fun time. There was mucho snowball fights, dogs playing/ being thrown into snow banks, and yours truly leaping from the roof without injury! It would have been a perfect end to the states before heading out to Ireland today; Oh wait, I'm still here.
This may come as a surprise, but four feet of snow tends to shut down the airports. My dear father offered to drive me to Newark in hopes of making my connection to Dublin, but they are in the same situation as Baltimore. No Ireland for me :( I can re-schedule of course, but it may take a few days before I know anything. According to the website, I can reschedule before the 25th without being subjected to fees. I'd prefer to go 3-12-3-16 as I can do so with less leave required. I'll have to see what they say, and then check the schedules of my Irish peeps before making any plans. ::cries:: Even more depressing? I had to come to work today. I'll have to call PetSmart and see about making up some hours as well, and this I am really, really, unhappy with.
Other things are in the works. People are on the brain, and the time is coming for decisions to be made. Urg, how I want to avoid them. This is intentionally vague, and I have no interest in revealing my inner workings at this time. Enjoy. I'm a jerk.
I'm a jerk that is in need of food. One must feed and water said jerk.