Nov 07, 2004 12:15
GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD Morning! Well these last 2 nights have been somewhat crazy! So here's what I've been up to! Our WDW recruiting went really well this semester, so Kim, our recruiter, treated us to Finding Nemo on Ice. I was proud to be part of the 25 college students in the Southeast to be cool enough to admit to my addiction to Disney and to fully support it by going to a disney show on ice! I LOVED IT! To start with, Kim had the hook-up so we got to sit in a party suite with recliners and crazy comfy seats! We even got free cotton candy! And...our view of the ice was perfect! As with anyother disney preformance, it was great! The costumes were remarkable, you almost couldn't tell there were people in there! I was entrigued with the way they converted one large cube...well rectangular piece of ice into an underwater ocean scene and then five seconds later it was an aquarium! It was awesome! My favorite part was the Jellyfish ballet. the costumes for that were great, so overall it got "Two thumbs WAY WAY up!"
Now onto last night! I spent all day cleaning and shopping with Lauren and then about 7:00 I went over to Jessi's...a xi delta sister, and hung out. after DDing for a few sisters, we had a fabulous meal! After dinner we did our pledge dance and I laughed the entire time! It was SO much fun! I had a great time. After that we all danced for a while and had a great time! The only thing that would have made it better would have been for Kenny to have been there, but I told him not come b/c it was too much of a hassle, so I suppose it was my own fault! Let me make one quick sappy comment and then I will move on, when you are in a room full of couples and your other half is not there,it makes you realize how important that person is to you because you realize he's the only one who could ever make the slow song they're playing mean anything to you and he's the only one you will ever want to dance to that song with. ...sigh, ok I'm good! Anywho, after dancing for awhile, us pledgelings were lined up again and given a rose (kinnda like the bachelor, but not!) from the sisters symbolizing their relationship with us! After awhile I was tuckered out so I took me and my dancing shoes home. After I woke Kenny up (sorry) Lauren came over and we preceeded do one of the coolest craft projects ever! With Sex and the City in the background, we made our very own cigar box purses! I made mine a Xi Delta one b/c I can't find ANYTHING with our letters on it. I love it! I covered it with fabric that sported our colors and then somewhat free-handed the greek letter on it! It really was fun! Lauren made a great box/bag too! It was really cute with a deep pink theme. Well anyway, now it's Sunday and I have homework to do, but so far this has been a cool weekend so after I meet my rents for lunch it's obviously time to go back to the books! Hope all is well with everyone and I'll talk to you soon!
P.S. Everyone should get a Live journal so that I can keep up with you!