Jul 30, 2005 19:00
*whether u turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you saying, this is the way... walk in it...often times...life is referred to as a path...it can be narrow-or wide, but there is always some influence that makes u choose the paths that u take...sometimes i wonder why i've taken certain "pAtHs"- annnd i endlessly ponder...why I CHOOSE to go down these paths...was it for the excitement? now--i really don't know...
but sometimes these wrong paths make us learn...
and make us stronger/wiser...not that i wasn't already "STRONG" *gym* cough cough* jk...
and it's these little mistakes--these "taking wrong paths" that make us realize how precious life is...how in a matter of a second it can be changed forever...
...do u ever get that feeling of wishing u were back in elementry...when the biggest "DRAMA" was some1 stealin' a crayon from u...haha back in those days my brain was such a virgin...i knew of no such thing as badwords... : ] now it's corrupted as HELL... : /
mmkay--i really don't know what i'm tryin' to get to--or say?...
annnd this entry is just a bunch of rambling...
so please excuse it...
buuut i doooo know...
i am enjoyin' life...
...i have some pretty awesome FRIENDS...whom i LOVE to death...
even tho my parents are divorced i'm still okaaay...
life is what WE* MAKE IT...not what any1 else tries to make it...
i've been thro some pretty tough times...but i learn to cope...forgive...and move on...
i meaaan why let little things get us down...it causes us to loose hope...annnd we have soo many opportunities to do great things --while having a great time...
these are suppose to be the "best days of our lives"...i heard that song 'bout a year ago...and it has stuck with me---but i don't necassarily agree with it...i mean EVERY moment of our lives is only as good as we make it...this holds true no matter what stage of life we are in...the secret to getting the most out of life is to go to bed every night a little bit better than when u woke up that morning...
make the most out of ur time
*roxy : ]