Title: Sam I Am
Summary: Season 6 AU. Sam Winchester was rescued from the deepest depths of hell with no memories of his past and ended up living with family, who were more like strangers and who seemed to have their own plans for him. Fortunately for Sam, he gets help from an unknown source and in the process starts to discover more about himself and who he really is.
Characters: Sam, Samuel Campbell, The Campbell cousins, Crowley, Castiel, Bobby, and a bit of Dean.
sailorhathorRating: PG-13
Warnings: Descriptions of torture in hell (not in complete graphic detail), violence and language. Spoilers up until S6.
Word Count: 25,473
Author Notes: I would like to thank
reapertownusa for being an incredible mod. And I want to thank
the_sammykinz for being a fantastic beta. I did some corrections afterwards so the remaining mistakes are mine. Lastly, I want to thank my artist,
sailorhathor who did the most wonderful art for the story. There are additional author notes at the end of the story.
Important Story Note: This is an AU of S6 and as such, I'm aware of how the show portrayed Sam. This story is my re-interpretation of S6 Sam so I have changed things and they contradict what was established about Sam in canon.
Part 1|
Interlude 1|
Part 2|
Interlude 2|
Part 3|
Interlude 3|
Part 4|
Part 5|
Part 6|
Additional Author Notes and Thanks The fantastic accompanying art is by
sailorhathor. PLEASE go and let her know how awesome the artwork is!
Happy Reading!