
Mar 08, 2008 11:31

I read my FL and never update. I am a loser. lol. we are doing great. I got a new, better paying, better benefited job, and things are COMPLETELY uphill in all 3 of our lives =) so exciting!

Courtney- Courtney is doing jump rope for heart right now, at first she started doing it because she was good at it, but then her Grandma (dads mom) went in for back surgery and ended up with a triple bypass that was unsuccessful which turned into a pacemaker being put in :( She is doing well, but this totally pumped Courtney up even MORE for jump rope for heart. I love seeing her so passionate about things :) Her great granmad (dads moms mom) passed away this past wed :( Courtney is coping well for now. We shall see about that with my little drama queenie. Courtney continues to SOAR in school at the top of her class. She is going to start cheer leading soon (LORD help me!)

Andrew- Andrew goes potty about 80% of the time and has pooped once on the potty. He LOVES his new school and is totally thriving there. He talks like a little boy most of the time now :( my baby is so growing up right before my eyes. Joe from BC is still his numba one man, btu he will watch other things like Yo Gabba Gabba (KILL me) and Dora. He is into Spot right now. Heard of this? He got introduced to the books at school but Courtney happened to have some on their bookshelf also and he reads his Spot all the time. Too Cute! He is nothing but 100% pure boy. It cracks me up, he falls, bangs up and immediately gets right back up (unless its his sisters fault in which he, of course, cries and runs to em and Says no no Corky go time OUT! NO!) Andrew also loves to color. on. everything. Mr Clean erasers are my BFFFFFFF!!!

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