This shit is bananas... B-A-N-A-N-A-S

Feb 09, 2005 21:09

Here I go... another entry to complain about my horrible state of health. Like... this really sucks. REALLY. I'm going to shoot myself just to be put out of misery. Now I have such a sore throat I have to use

Numbing cough drops


Numbing throat spray

My throat hurts sooo much I 1.) can't eat 2.) Can barley get down any liquids 3.) DEFINITLEY CANT TALK. People keep calling me and It sucks because I can't even answer my phone

I feel like having a dance party. Someone come over and dance with meeee.

I AM SO MAD BECAUSE THE DAY THE ONE TREE HILL TOUR COMES TO D.C. I'M GOING TO BE IN FREAKING NEW YORK!!!!!!!! hopefully... K& K can go to Philly for the show on the 26th. = (

I need to get out of the house so bad. I'm not looking forward to school at all because I'm going to have like 8749274923489234732742387492347823477236427346236423647382 pounds of make up work. I've missed about 4 days and 7 tests! eek.

I've decided that I want a valentine... I had one but he ditched me. So are there any new takers?

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