Mar 03, 2006 10:34
So, I either need to find a) some more friends; who wake up the same time as I do. b) really get my shit together and study. c) SLEEP IN!!; which is clearly impossible for me. fuck! Anyways, yes. So time to update. Here we go.
There is nothing really exciting/new really going on. My web is no longer painfully infected, which is definetly a bonus. I am going to be getting my nose re-done next pay, pretty happy about that! Hopefully this one won't br an asshole and decide to fall down the drain, because clearly that is not my fault at all. :)
On the school front: Things are going pretty good, I had a 63% on one of my personality exams, and I was kind of upset about that, but then I realised that I had 3 more exams in that class to make it up! So I definetly did better on the exam we had Tuesday. My marks aren't as good as I am hoping for them to be, which is kind of a downer, I'm really aiming for nothing lowe than a B.
Justin and I are doing great, he just got me another ring, YAY! haha, That was for valentines day.It's really pretty, blue saphire set in between 2 diamonds. I love it! :) we're goin' stong at..oh man..22 months. :)
It has also been decided I need to get a fake ID. It is just the answer to about 97% of all my problems. Well maybe not, but close to that anyways! ;) Then I could actually go out..*day dreams* Even if going out gets old after a while it would just be nice to go out with whoever is going downtown and not go home to bed. It is quite depressing!!
Oh yes, and I went to Montreal during break! managed to buy things that I can buy here, go me!! yay!! and the day I came back I had 500$ YUS! Love it! It probably helped that I got paid the day I got home! haha! YAY! Anwyas yes yes..
I am going to go "study" and hopefully get something done.
peace out g's
-you're the piece of gold that flashes on my soul-