PLAYZONE 30 Years in Aoyama [January 7]

Jan 08, 2015 11:54

NOTE: As usual, Tsubasa had a monopoly on my attention. However, when Tsubasa was offstage, I had a significant interest in anything 4U were doing, as well as Yuma and Yara and, from time to time, Kota from MAD. Everyone else was there, but I couldn't tell you much more than that, and this report reflects that.

I almost didn't go to Playzone this time! I didn't even ballot, actually. Back when ballots for Playzone were being accepted, T&T's tour had a much higher priority for me, so I was saving my money for them. However, at the last minute a good friend of mine was unable to go because of work and so she offered me her ticket. Given everything that's happened with Tsubasa lately, I jumped at the chance to see him really perform again.

Yesterday was the first day, and it sounds like it was absurdly adorable. Takki was a guest (naturally ♡) sitting with Travis and Stacy in the ever guestacular row M (it's where he and many other guests sit when they come to see Playzone - there's a wide aisle right in front of it so the performers are often walking in front of row M and behind row L). Apparently Tsubasa called Takki up onstage along with Travis and Stacy, and several adorable things happened:

• Tsubasa said to Takki: "Hide-chan, I'm sorry we couldn't sleep together while I was in the hospital. Here, you can wear these starting tonight when we go to bed." And then he handed Takki pajamas (he has a matching set that he photographed himself in and posted on his jweb today XD - he also bought a tiny matching pajama jacket for his new teacup poodle/愛娘 Ala-chan).
According to reports, Takki replied, "I-Imai-san! Imai-san! What are you saying?" and giggled.

• Travis and Stacy said a few words to the crowd in English (I don't know what, sadly - all the Japanese reports I've read have things like "Thank you, everyone! ...%@&*(#..." written in them) Ostensibly for Takki's benefit, Tatsumi decided to play translator. Except he either 1) had no idea what they were saying or 2) decided to mess with Takki's head and gave him a very obviously fake translation ("They said...ha...Happy New Year!").

• Back in summer, Stacy had the cutest moment onstage on the first day where she said, "I was crying backstage because I asked Takki to marry me and he said no." You can see Takki's reaction on the DVD, his confused yet polite smile while Tsubasa cracks up next to him. Yesterday, apparently she blew Takki a kiss. Tsubasa apparently took issue this time and whined, "You know, Travis and I are here too," in Japanese and then I think she did the same for them.

• When Takki spoke, he gave a pretty generic speech saying he's always impressed when he sees Playzone and he always goes on the first day, etc. etc. but then at the very end he said, "No, but more than anything, I'm happiest to see Tsubasa's recovered." Then Tsubasa gave him what fans called an 熱いハグ or passionate hug. I need a photo (or recording) of that like I need air.

Okay! Onto the show I actually saw!

Like I said, I hadn't even expected to be able to go, so when my friend told us where our seats were, I nearly dropped my phone onto the street. We weren't in the front row, but we were close to the stage and in the center block near an aisle. When we sat down in the beginning, the two of us were doing tiny dances in our seats. The two of us were there for Tsubasa, and we were thrilled to have seats where we'd be able to see him and hopefully he'd see us excited to see him. He deserves to have a warm welcome back. ♡



I'll admit now, since Tsubasa was diagnosed with Meniere's I've done a little bit of research on the condition. Not too much, mind you, because it scared me and I didn't want to accept that he had something that would interfere with the thing he loves to do most in the world. But I'd done enough reading to know that there might be certain moves he wouldn't be able to do, and I was terrified of him pushing himself too hard and collapsing onstage or something.

The TV and newspaper reports have all been enormously positive, some of them even saying he's made a complete recovery, but from what I understand Meniere's is incurable and it's a condition he'll carry for the rest of his life (unless they find a cure someday). He has been quoted saying he's almost a hundred percent, but that he has to be careful with what he eats and how much he sleeps from now on. If there can be anything at all positive to take from this happening to him, he may become stronger in other areas of his health. I'm so happy he has such a strong support system. Takki would do anything for him, and it seems his doctor has a good handle on his personality too (during a recent episode of Tsubasa's radio show he told listeners that his doctor had said to him back when he was in the hospital (paraphrased), "You try so hard to be like your admired senpai, to be serious like them. Why not try to take things a little more lightly?"

So all of this and more was packed into my head when "Road to Playzone" began. My friend and I were practically holding our breaths until he appeared, and from there we were focused on his every move and spin hoping fervently that he'd be all right. He does push himself, incredibly hard, and tonight was no different. For most of "Road" he was concentrating intensely, with his eyebrows in a deep V, but he nailed every step and I felt so proud of him it was overpowering.

I remember thinking, This is why I look up to you. He has such passion and strength inside him, and he never quits. I realize he'd have hissed and bit me if I'd tried, but when he finished "Road" and tried to look all badass onstage, I just wanted to hug him. You did it! I thought, clapping until my hands hurt.

★ ダイアモンド•アイズ (All but Tsubasa)

I don't know what it is about this number but I never remember it. I even remember thinking I have to remember this and now I don't remember anything. XD Freaking Diamond Eyes.

★ メドレー MEDLEY
• What's your name? (Tsubasa, Yara, Yuma)

I love this number, and I have very little to say about it (sorry lovespiral) except it's magical and Tsubasa was wonderful in it.

• You & Me & Who? (TheyBudou, MAD, Travis Japan)
• A • RA • SHI (4U, Travis Japan)

Ahh! 4U doing "A • RA • SHI" again! I realize this is a weird thing to say, but I actually like 4U's version better than Arashi's. Is that weird? It's probably weird. I just love 4U's cheerful personalities and they're so much fun to watch. Then again, 4U haven't been performing that song for an insanely long time so I imagine the fresh enthusiasm is understandable.

• What's your name? (All but Tsubasa)

★ Venus (Tsubasa, Yuma)

My friend and I are very, er, energetic. We've been to other concerts together before and we get rather dance-y and exciteable, so we decided before Playzone started that we'd only dance to Venus, because Tsubasa likes seeing the audience doing the dance with him and Yuma.

He wore sunglasses for the beginning part of this, I'm pretty sure, but he took them off before long. I saw him looking around the audience from his side of the stage, then he swapped with Yuma and moved to our side. At some point near the end of the song, he saw me and gave a quick smile and I probably made somethng like this face :D back. I think I was probably projecting YOU'RE ALIVE DID YOU KNOW YOU'RE ALIVE YOU'RE ONSTAGE RIGHT NOW AND YOU'RE PERFORMING! pretty strongly at him. It would have been hard to miss me. XD

★ 出会えるまで (TheyBudou, Travis Japan)

★ カンペキ!(MAD, Travis Japan)

Recently, I went out to lunch with a friend of mine who's not only a big fan of Tsubasa but also Kota from MAD. I knew very, very few things about MAD before that lunch. Here were all the things I knew: they're juniors, they're Japanese, they're boys, and they're called MAD. That's a lot of information, really.

Joking aside, though, she was really cute and excited talking about Kota, so I asked her things and we got to talking about him more. She showed me photos on her phone and explained his personality and whatnot. I'm glad she did, too, because when I saw this number, I recognized him from her photos and was excited to have someone onstage that I could follow.

First of all, I can see why she likes him. He's got this sweet smile when he dances (that clear-enjoyment-while-dancing was also what hooked me into loving all of 4U ♡) and he kept making eye contact with people in the audience. Sweet guy!

★ 光 (All)


I deeply love this number. I've missed 光 a lot, even though honestly Tsubasa doesn't do much complex dancing in it. I love the song, and I love Tsubasa being a wizard. XD Those are my criteria for a hit with me.

They haven't changed much about it, which I thought was a good call because it didn't need anything else, really. My favorite part remains the two lines they make toward the end as Tsubasa's strutting up the middle. So cool-looking.

During this number I was just cheering nonstop inside my head. I'm so glad Tsubasa's healthy again. I won't lie and say I didn't worry whenever he walked around his platform in the beginning, though. From start to finish of Playzone I was terrified something would happen to him. I was so relieved when it ended and he'd done it all beautifully. ♡ But that's skipping ahead! Ahem.

★ まいったね今夜 (Yara, Yuma, TheyBudou, MAD)

Not a huge fan of this song. Yara's cute, but I don't really like jazz. When Tsubasa was in it I liked that part, but his part was taken by someone I didn't recognize so I mostly just watched Yara being cute and waited for it to end. Oh, however! He did walk up our aisle and smile at me like he recognized me, so I had a moment of, "Aww, hi, Yara!"

★ 気まぐれOne Way Boy (4U)

This number gets such a mixed reaction from me, because I love it and it's physically difficult not to dance in my seat. It's so hard to sit still for a number like this. x___x 4U are so charismatic with it and clearly love badassing their way around the stage, and ahh, it's a fantastic number. When the four of them pulled out their sunglasses and donned them with flair, I laughed very quietly to myself. I love them so much, 4U is amazing. ♡♡♡♡

So yes, it's a difficult number because I'm bad at being a polite and motionless audience member whenever it happens. XD

★ Funky flushing (They Budou, MAD, Travis Japan)

I think this was the number where I got a high five from...damn, his name's already gone from my head! He's a member of Travis Japan. My friend got really excited as he walked up the aisle toward us and she leaned over to give him a high five. He smiled at me next and I high fived him with a smile back. I had no idea who he was, but he was really sweet. He took his time with the high fiving, making sure to make eye contact with each fan. Good kid! As the song continued, my friend leaned over and told me she'd gone to high school with him (and didn't realize it until years later).

So now I have Tree and High Five Guy in my mental catalogue of Juniors.

★ Andalucia (All)

Ahhhh, he did it! He was fantastic for this number. He nailed all the moves and he was just as passionate as ever singing it. I love his version so much, it was amazing to see him perform it again. Well done, Tsubasa. :)

★ 情熱の一夜 (All)

Two things I noticed about this number: Yara and Yuma were launched from under the stage, and my immediate reaction was: /).(\ PLEASE DON'T LAUNCH TSUBASA. Of course they didn't, and I logically knew that, I was just panicked for a split second that he might have cajoled someone into it. XD But that's more something Takki would do, not Tsubasa. XD

The other thing I thought was cute was when they did raise his platform it was very slow but it was at a slow part of the song, so they matched it up very thoughtfully, both in consideration of his condition and to match the song. Travis and Stacy are amazing at their jobs. ♡ They're so thoughtful in their choreography.

He showed up singing the "Don't you know/I'm in love~" part. And I'm impressed with his pronunciation! He's really, really improved over the years. That's impressive considering he really only started trying to improve on his English in his late teens (arguably more in his mid-late twenties). Good on you, Tsubasa, you did well.

This was a very, very good place to end Act I, too. It has a great amount of energy, and when the curtain went down my friend and I burst out with, "よかった!" A kind of, "HE DID IT!" reaction. ♡



I...don't remember this either. Ah well, there was a lot to remember, and I don't have the Playzone 2010 soundtrack so I can't jog my memory of what it sounded like. I'm sure it was good; Tsubasa was in it. ;D

★ ケジメなさい (Yara, 4U, TheyBudou)

High fived both Fuku-chan and Kosshi during this number, which made my friend and I incandescently happy. Thank you for making my evening, guys. \:D/

★ どうなってもいい〜It's BAD (Travis Japan)

Nothing against Travis Japan, but I was extraordinarily sad when this number started and I realized they were the only ones in it. Tsubasa performed this in 2010, where it was good, and last winter's Playzone, where it was AMAZING, but of those two performances only 2010 has a DVD, so I was hoping beyond hope that this time there would be a DVD and he'd be performing this song.

See, this is why rehashing the same songs again and again is a bad idea. When they did うわさのキッス the first time with Akkun in 2012, I loved that song because Akkun rocked in it. Then they did うわさのキッス again without him or the shark skit and it was...boring. They had 4U do A • RA • SHI and they were amazing and dynamic and charming. Then they did A • RA • SHI again but replaced 4U with Travis Japan and it was...boring. Same with this song. Tsubasa nailed this song. It's exactly the kind of sinuous, sensual dance he's so fond of doing, so to have that replaced with a bunch of dudes who are still uncomfortable in their skins trying to be sexy was...boring.

Ah, well. Maybe Tsubasa didn't want to do the number again. Travis Japan weren't bad, they just weren't who I was hoping and expecting to see.

★ Mi Amor 〜あなたという光〜 (Tsubasa)

I think I'm in the minority but I love this song. Apart from Imagine and It's BAD, this is the song I wanted to see him perform the most. It's very simply choreographed in terms of blocking, and the whole effect hinges on the way he moves his arms and hands. For anyone who hasn't seen the Playzone 2012 DVD, this number is basically Tsubasa "chasing" (slowly) after his love, who is represented by a spotlight that moves around the stage evading him until the very end when they're reunited.

I'll admit my focus was pretty thrown off from the beginning, because naturally Mr. It Took Me Months to Get the Kind of Body My Partner Claims He Got From Sitting on His Ass Watching Pro-Wrestling Matches on TV for Fifteen Years and Now I Will Be Showing It Off at Every Possible Opportunity I Get had his jacket off and was wearing a sleeveless white shirt with skintight black pants. My role model is a very sexy man. I was proud of him. XD You flaunt those biceps, Tsubasa. You worked hard for them. I do think it's cute how flagrant he's been about showing off his body. During the summer Playzone, he actually caught a cold because he did 90% of the rehearsals with his shirt off purely so he could admire himself in the mirror. XD My narcissist idol is a wonderful being. This is the man I look up to. XD

Anyway, where was I...

Right, anyway! ...Yeah, see, this is what happened during the number! I heard the music and went, "Ahh, yay! I love this number!" and then I saw him sleeveless and thought, "Aww, he's still showing off! Cute! He looks good, too! I bet he brought that shirt from home just because it has no sleeves. Oh wait he's dancing."

Another thing! He's gained a bit of weight, probably from changing his diet to better handle his condition (I pray he's going to quit smoking; I really, really hope he will - I know he's been smoking since at least sixteen but for so many reasons I wish he'd stop, and that goes for Takki, too). I think he looks marvelous. His skin looks healthier (and it was already disgustingly nice before) and he just filled out a bit more.

Anyway! Sorry, this was the number I spent appreciating his recovery and feeling immensely grateful that I could see him perform and-very happy was I. ♡

His hand gestures are what really make this number special, I think. He has such a grace and fluidity to his hand movements during this number, it gives the whole thing a very elegant look.

★ 真夏の夜の花 (Yara, 4U, TheyBudou, MAD)

If I had to choose a favorite song from the Playzone discography I know, this would be in the top three. I love this song, and I was thrilled to see it back on the setlist. I was a little jarred when it started because it sounded a lot different from the last time I heard it, and then I realized it was because Yara was singing and his voice was noticeably louder than the others'. XD In the last version, he only showed up toward the end to rap and sing the last bit. It was a cute choice to swap it so he was with them from the beginning - I like his singing voice, so it added something extra that made the number feel fresher.

Also, 4U 4U 4U~! I love their voices, and their dancing, and I desire their debut like I desire water and breathing and generally existing. Do something with them, Japanese entertainment industry. They're funny and damn Fuku-chan's current hairstyle is sexy as hell on him (the curls are gone, and now he has brown hair cut really sharp around his cheekbones and just...damn is what I'm saying, basically).

★ 硝子の少年、がらすの魔法 (Yuma)

This was an...interesting choice. There's no dancing at all in this number. Just Yuma walking around the stage. His singing is quite nice, I was just surprised that he hardly moved. I'm not sure what the thought process behind this was. But Yuma's cute and I like his voice, so it was a nice number.

★ 幻炎 (Yara, TheyBudou, MAD, Travis Japan)

FIRE. Also, World's Wing. The moment the red lights went up on this number, all I could think of was World's Wing. XD Yara is back to being cult leader (he really likes that role XD). He's standing in the back

★ 運命の人 (Yuma, 4U)

Very good number. Not much to say about it except they made a good choice with Yuma and 4U singing this together. Their numbers together are always really fun to watch, and not just because I really like all five of them. XD They have a good dynamic together. I know they were joking about 4Yuma but...I'm on board. Seriously, debut that. XD

★ We'll Be Together (All)

Ahhh, this! Tsubasa was such a sweetheart. He kept looking around the stage at everyone singing and a few times he looked overwhelmed with emotion. He just looked so fond and grateful at once. I hope he's able to perform for a long, long time to come, because it gives him so much joy. ♡

Also at the end, he gave Yara and Yuma a high five and then as they walked upstage into the shadows, the audience applauded them warmly as they went.

★ マーチ! (All but Tsubasa)

March is another one of my favorite Playzone numbers, and Tsubasa's the one that really makes it special for me, so I was sad not to see him. A friend theorized that the turns are too much for him, but since he's "General" at the front I don't think he did many of the turns that the "foot soldiers" did. But I think it was wise to skip it if it was even slightly risky for him.

And I thought it was sweet that neither Yara nor Yuma was wearing the General costume. They were both dressed like lieutenants, so you didn't have the feeling that Tsubasa had been replaced. I thought that was a classy touch on the part of Travis and Stacy. They're both wonderful, I'm always so grateful that they work on this project.

★ Goodbye Aoyama Video

I'd skimmed a few reports before the show but I hadn't read about this!

After March ended, there was a short video of various Johnnys saying goodbye to Aoyama. Just literally, "さよなら、青山劇場!" Among them: A.B.C-Z, Kisumai, Toma, Ryo, Ohno, Hasejun, Tonisen, TOKIO, and all three members of Shonentai. It was really sweet to see, and my friend and I kept getting excited every time we saw someone we liked. I almost squeaked when I saw TOKIO. And I did squeak when I saw Hasejun. ♡♡♡★ Guys PLAYZONE (All)

This is where I was the most nervous. This is an intense number and if Tsubasa was going to have trouble anywhere, I was the most worried about this one. I don't know anything about Meniere's from personal experience, but all the sharp movements and dips and jumping off scaffolding sounds like it'd be hell on an inner ear condition.

But he did beautifully. I was so, so proud of him. I didn't notice a single misstep in his performance, and he even jumped off the scaffolding! (Although unf that moment between him jumping and landing scared the hell out of me. A second crammed with me chanting inside my head nonononono! and then ohhh thank god.)

★ Liar (All)

Ahh, Liar. I've grown pretty fond of Liar over the years. I like Tsubasa's suit decorated with rhinestones. Very classy. I bet Takki borrows it occasionally just to coo over the shiny stones.

At the end, Tsubasa said a few words of thanks and introduced the guest, Abe Aran. Poor kid is a member of Travis Japan and broke his foot or his leg and so he had to sit Playzone out this time. Poor thing. He was on crutches when he left the theater, and people were kind and applauded as he left.

In general, Act I was me going :D and then .___. and then :DDD and then /).(\ and then /).o and then :DDDDDDD and Act II was me going :DDDDDDDDDD and then O______O and then :DDDDDDDDDDDDDD and then /).(\;;; and then :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

I'm so relieved he's all right. I'm so happy he has such a strong support system. I'm just an entire galaxy of joy. My idol is okay! My role model is healthy! Ahhh, so utterly relieved.

Now to wait for T&T's revenge tour! ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡
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