Aug 10, 2013 14:22



That's what I sound like, at least. I was very enthusiastic with my vocal support of NEWS last night. XD

This is the first NEWS con I've been to under my sparkly new membership and good glorious rainbow fire was the fan club good to me. *__* The venue was a baseball field, and my friend and I were in a little box on the field (it probably has a name XD). We had a hell of a time finding it, too, because the ticket said C Block and there was a C Block in the stands, but the rows didn't include the one on our ticket, so we asked a staff girl where to go. She took us far away from the C Block we'd found, and the fans around us looked very entertained by us giving ourselves whiplash looking back at the C Block we'd left behind going, "But...BUT WAIT." Ultimately we reached an aisle around H or G and she pointed us down. Continuing the theme of confused penguins, we walked down the aisle and asked another girl who pointed to the little box on the field. We were like:

and then we were all:


Even excellent seats aside, the concert was amazing. NEWS are really, really good at giving fun cons. :}

The MC was tremendously amusing. They pulled up a "letter" from someone called "J" who basically told them they'd be playing out a scenario where your girlfriend arrives late for a date. They had us yell, "Sorry for making you wait!" and then one by one they'd give their response. They picked Tegoshi to go first but I forget what he said. XD He was super reluctant to do it, though. He kept whining that it was embarrassing, but dude, where exactly have you been keeping your shame all these years? This is the first I've seen of it. XD

Shige went next. He just said, "You're late, let's go," in this brusque, "manly" voice. Then he jerked his head and turned to walk away. The crowd showed loud approval. I laughed because I totally believe he'd do that, but more because he's awkward than because he's cool. XD He also whined about it being embarrassing, but from him I buy that. XD

Koyama's was super adorable. He went, "You've gotta be kidding me. While I was waiting for you I couldn't stop thinking about you. Let's go!" The crowd was very amused and I heard a few approving "Kei-chan~!" cheers around me. I'm so fond of that man. :}

I think Massu's reaction was the best, though. The letter says お姉さん which can be either "older sister" or "young woman" so Massu chose to interpret it as the former and basically went on this petulant rant and by the time he finished the crowd was laughing really hard and Koyama was like, "This is supposed to be your girlfriend!" So Massu was like, "Oh. Okay." Faced the crowd again, then went, "You're late, let's go," and Shige was like, "OI, THAT'S MY THING."

Then they had Koyama and Massu act out a date at an ice skating rink. They were obscenely cute about it, too. XD They even managed to act out skating in unison. XD Then Tegoshi walks up to them and he's like, "Excuse me," and pushes Koyama back. Then to Massu he's like, "You're late." Koyama didn't seem to get what Tegoshi was doing, so he laughed and took a step toward Massu, but Tegoshi was SRS FACE and pushed him back all polite but firm. "Excuse me, please. This is my girlfriend." Then he took Massu by the wrist and pulled him away to the other side of the stage. Shige, our helpful narrator, was like, "Koyama, she's gone! Your girlfriend! What are you going to do!?" So Koyama took a second to think, then happily started skating by himself. XD

Wise of him not to engage. Tegoshi would gut a dude for wearing the same shade of pink.

As for music! Shige's solo gave my friend and me the best moment of the entire concert. The English lyrics in his solo start out impressively fluent and then in one fell swoop the whole house of cards just bursts into flames. See, the song goes from lyrics like "turn off the light and play this lullaby" to, all of a sudden, "JAZZY BUBBLE FISH." That's what I thought I heard, anyway. XD Just now I double-checked and it's actually "jazzy bubbles jellyfish" WHICH IS EVEN BETTER. XDDD So for the rest of the night all it took was a well-timed "JAZZY BUBBLE FISH" to set us off again. Shige, I love your solos. XD I also have particular fondness for the "twinkle star pink elephant hot decaf" line.

THEN! During the last encore, NEWS gave us a gift.


I haven't heard screaming that loud in a loooong time. XD Even the jaded security guards scattered around looked like excited little kids when the fireworks started. They even managed to spell out N-E-W-S. :D

So many of their new songs are amazing performed live. "Dance in the dark" and "4+FAN" and "恋祭り" were amazingly active for the crowd. Lots of jumping and singing along and gorgeous lighting effects. And man, I'm developing a serious love for outdoor concerts. *___* They kept putting off these high jets of water and fire and, of course, the fireworks, and wajbebew NEWS. <333

Thanks to our location, we got to see them up close pretty often! Shige hung out around our area a lot in the beginning, Massu swung by a few times throughout the concert, and Koyama made friends with a tiny child fan who got really giddy whenever Koyama made a point to wave to her specifically. :} He seriously is the cutest person. <3 But man, Tegoshi in particular LOVED our section. XD His repeated visits really amused my friend and me because we've been joking for weeks that her husband is besotted with Tegoshi, so every time he sparkled over to us she'd yell, "husband-stealer!" (No fear of Tegoshi the Terrifying hearing her, though - the music was so loud I barely heard her. XD) NEWS and their fans have a really adorable relationship, from what I saw - a lot of fondness on both sides. Massu sang to a girl in the stands at one point and she shied back from him at first, but when he stayed put, she thrust her hand out and he laughed and took it while he finished his serenading. Shige gave high fives to the entire circumference of a section in the arena with this happy little smile. Tegoshi climbed up into the crowd and let the people around him bask in his glory. As is his way. XD During the second encore Koyama took his shirt off, so my friend and I kept yelling, "BRING YOUR ATTRACTIVE SELF OVER HERE," but all we got were the other tragically clothed members. We decided that although individually we love Shige best, Koyama is our favorite now because daaaamn his back is a thing of unparalleled beauty indeed.

By the end, we were so keyed up from the concert we weren't even the slightest bit tired even though we'd been up late the night before seeing Playzone in a totally different part of the country. Just an amazing concert. :D I'm so, so happy NEWS are still around. They put on an amazing show. :}}}

And then I got home and found my tickets to the Osaka show in my mailbox. :D


Thank you, NEWS, you wonderful group you. :}

this is a tag for con reports, news

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