I promise to write something more substantial about tonight later this weekend but oh, the feelings~
They had a handshake event after the concert, and while they shook hands with everyone there was footage of it up on the stage screen. I was sitting on the ground floor, so we were last to leave, and while we waited 4U was entertaining us by being adorable and 4U-y. XD
I noticed kids were getting the biggest smiles and it was so cute watching them interact with kids. There was even a girl around six or seven who was OVERJOYED to meet them. She practically leaped into Takki`s arms, and he looked so amused and giggly afterward.
luin_lote was in a different part of the hall but I managed to find her in the crowd waiting in the lobby to shake their hands. The two of us were making plans to bolt because of Feelings and Reasons but then we were ushered into a single-file line and we had no choice but to have Awesomeness thrust upon us.
I had it in my head that I was going to tell Tsubasa I think his hair looks amazing, but then he looked at me and he got this wide, I KNOW YOU! smile and took my hand and said, "Thank you," in English. That SMILE, oh my heart. I've been worried about doing too much lately, seeing them too many times, but oh, that smile. I felt so touched, because the four times before this that I've seen him in person he's looked content enough but this was the first time I've had his full smile directed at me.
It would seem that my idol likes me! :}
Let's see if that holds up until Monday. XD
Also, XD after the con we got to talking to these two Japanese fans who've fangirled Takki and Tsubasa since they were Jrs. And at one point I asked them about the hiatus and if they'd been worried and they said yes, they had. I wondered what caused it and one woman said, "No idea," and her friend said, "Lover's spat, I bet."
T&T fans: excited that our idols are taken.