super update

Aug 13, 2005 08:02

i'm back at school and it feels pretty stinkin good. alot of things have changed for me now that i'm not a freshman anymore. i'm in charge of taking care of one freshman. so with my new found freedom comes new found responsibilty. what was even more painful was realizing i can't play dumb private anymore. i have to actually do whats right so i can set an example. god help me. i am also struggling with the hazing schpeel. i hate people who haze. i hated being hazed. its really hard not to fall into that mind set that your better than the freshman just because you've been here longer. they're just so idiotic because they don't know any better. so i have to keep my head level so i don't get sucked up into the cocky cadet bullshit.

today i have off after a parade. i am looking forward to getting the hell out of uniform and getting a tune up. I'm going to the beauty salon and doing nalis, wax, pluck, etc. to get rid of the thick layer of crust i have on me left over from 8 weeks of summer training. i had a good time and all. it was a million times better than last summer, but it was too damn hot. supposedly this was NY hottest summer. i am willing to sell my soul to the devil (uncle sam) to keep myself in an air conditioned office. i also found out how much i suck at life. i struggled keeping up with the guys during training although i did end up completing everything. i am just a turtle at heart. i'm not meant to do anything fast.

things with me and curtis are swell. we have had a couple of rocky converstaions the last couple of weeks. i think it has to with the fact that we are much farther apart now that he's in s. carolina. he doesn't have alot of freedom because his training is so intense and i'm about to start having alot more because i'm an upperclassmen. he's used to me sitting in my room all weekend watching tv and doing homework so he had nothing to worry about. the tables have turned. it gets on my nerves when he gets nervous about that stuff because i feel suffocated. he said he'll be understanding and try and deal with it. we'll see.

now last but not least i have school to worry about. i picked up an extra class this semester, counterinsurgency operations. it an elective for my major in international relations. i claim my major in october. i'm thinking about also minoring in terrorism studies. curits says i'm asking for a one way ticket to iraq. i don't think so. i just want to have a job with the UN one day and I think this degree will get me there. i considered law but i don't think that will provide me with flexibility or exciting opportunities. i don't know.
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