Oct 20, 2009 22:57
I have a gal named Tara in a couple of my classes whom I talk with some, who is a very smart gal and is also going for a career in elementary education. She resembles me in her academic excellence, but our personalities couldn't be more different. She's very blunt with making judgments and opinions, while I try to avoid just that. I sometimes neglect to mention my own opinions and interests as a result, but not today:
Me* I have to take a foreign language class of some sort.
Tara* Really?
Me* Yes, for my major I'm required to take two classes in a language of my choice.
Tara* You could take Spanish classes easily enough.
Me* *grimaces* I'd rather take Japanese.
Tara* But Japanese is really hard!
Me* Yeah, but I like their culture a lot.
Tara* Spanish is a lot easier to use.
Me* It is, but I'm not crazy about encouraging Spanish in America. I think by learning it I'm encouraging illegal immigration in a way.
Tara* Yeah, but your ancestors were immigrants at some point too, right?
Me* Yes, but they were LEGAL. (On my paternal grandfather's side, anyway.) I know, my feelings on this are highly political.
Tara* Well, I can understand where you are coming from, but Spanish really helped me teach English better in Korea. It solidifies your English even more. Also, Mexico is really beautiful. I went to this one place, (insert tourism stuff here).
Me* That's probably true enough, but I'd rather learn Japanese, so it will help me teach over there, if I chose to do so.
Tara* Some of them don't want you to know their language necessarily. (??? This response struck me as strange, as I can only see how knowing Japanese would help me in teaching *Japanese* children how to speak English, but she's already taught English in another country, so I can't say for certain. I responded differently as a result:)
Me* I know you don't *have* to learn the language, but I'd rather know it before going over there.
Then the lecture started. This gives you an idea how talking with her goes, and it can be exhausting in a way. I usually can see her point of view somewhat better regardless of disagreement, but I don't really take well to opinions almost being shoved down my throat. I don't think that's her intent, but that's how she comes across. It feels very akin to how I felt when Sarah tried to debate religion with me. I hate voicing my opinion when I know others disagree with it, but there's no way she can change my mind on this by acting like my idea is wrong. I felt I had to stand for my opinion and not back down this time. At some point I'm insulting my integrity by not standing up for my beliefs.
I am very anti-illegal immigration, and as much as I feel sorry for the Hispanic citizens in Mexico, I do not feel their hardships justify bringing their problems over here for us to solve. *Their* government should take more responsibility for their economic issues. I understand to a point that illegal immigration happens around the world, but our problem is out of control. Based on my Geography book, our population will consist of 50% Hispanics within my lifetime. This will result in policies and laws that will cater to their culture. If this was a result of legality, I would have no problem with it. Yet when I think of a population boom of non-English speaking illegal immigrants who will influence their legal brethren to vote for legislation that favors illegal immigrants, I cringe inside. It seems so anti-American somehow and unfair to other immigrants who want to obey our immigration laws. (Not to mention many of them probably speak English way better.) I feel racist about this, but I want to point out a distinction; I don't believe in shipping current illegals back. It's too damn expensive. I'd rather we allocate our funds to blocking the rest the hell out. I've dated two guys who I'm relatively sure had Hispanic blood, so I clearly have no problem with *educated* Hispanic-Americans. So my racism is mostly limited to non-English speaking *illegal* immigrants.
So yeah. Absolutely NO interest in learning Spanish as a result. As it is, it pisses me off how many corporations are incorporating it in their products to make more money. Just encourage the illegals to move over here, why don't you? But those who print in French, Japanese, and other languages as well are forgiven. At least there's an attempt at equality there.
Even before I developed these strong feelings, I had no interest in Spanish anyway. My parents tried to get me to take it in middle school, and I had absolutely no desire. I've been to Mexico about a dozen times, so I saw plenty of the poverty that affects their society, and I feel completely sorry for them. I just think they bring more problems than the benefits they bring over here.
Plus, I just find learning a language you are interested in and have a chance of using is far wiser. Both Paul and Mike learned Spanish, but they both have forgotten most of it. At least I watch anime often enough that I have a chance of retaining the knowledge. Especially if I can take it with me to Japan for a year or two in an exchange program, where I can have daily practice with it. So yeah, taking the political context out, it just seems more logical to learn a language from a culture you are excited about, regardless of the language's difficulty.
Okay. Done ranting. XD Btw, I know you guys have responded to some of my posts. I intend to respond to them still, so I haven't forgotten you. <3