Dec 01, 2004 13:50
For those who care, or are the least bit curious, I did survive yesterday.
Things did not go better or worse than expected, and I was still very braindead by the end of the day. So today has been a day of recovery. I've slept most of the morning and am about to go into work in a matter of minutes. There's still a lot of work that needs to be done before I can completly relax and go home for the real break. Which I am greatly looking forward to.
On another note, for those of you Angelic folk who can make it, Liz and I are having our traditional "end of the semester movie night". Show up between 6 and 7 if you can. We'll be watching: Harry Potter 3, Shrek 2, and Some Like It Hot. We're going to call in for pizza, so bring about three bucks and whatever drink you want. :) I hope to see a good majority of you there. :P Unless, you know, you're deathly ill or something. Then we really don't want you around. :)