The Great Cheesecake Hunt

May 21, 2008 16:09

I might have mentioned it in the past - I love cheesecake (the desserts and other food albums in facebook, et al consist predominantly of pics of cheesecakes in various places:)). It’s often a toss up between chocolate brownies and cheesecake but while you get brownies nearly anywhere (although of varying quality), cheesecakes are an entirely different story.

I usually start jumping the moment I see cheesecake on the menu, but more often than not, they don’t quite meet expectation - there’s the rather awful orange cheesecake at Sweet Chariot, and then the Irish Cream cheesecake at Ice n Spice which does not have an Irish Cream flavour but does taste like a vanilla mousse with chocolate swirls on top. Infinitea and Daily Bread have decent enough cheesecakes but from what I recall nothing to go screaming to town over.

But one keeps trying, so when we went out for lunch to a place we hadn’t tried before, and saw cheesecakes in the display, and since fellow cheesecake aficionados were around, there was some collective jumping.

I’m glad to proclaim that one bite into the kiwi cheesecake at La Patisserie off St. Mark’s Road and the world was suddenly a better place to live in.

This is one of the few places where the crust melts in your mouth, and it has just the right amount of sweetness and flavour. There’s that teensy layer of cake in the middle of the topping which adds an awesome touch, because the topping has soaked it through. And the topping itself just melts in your mouth too. It’s a little too sweet and so the kiwi flavour gets slightly overrun but that’s actually okay.

The rest of their food (predominantly sandwiches, pizzas, quiches and pies) is very nice too It’s one of those tiny places with a wood flooring and hacky chairs, and all white patterned cutlery, an open view to the side street it’s in. And they serve you flavoured water… the water jugs are stuffed with mint leaves and lemons. The other desserts are nice too, there was a chocolate thingy that was quite yummy.

But the cheesecakes remain to die for.

food, the great cheesecake hunt, pics

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