I don’t know about any particular highs this weekend but here go the lows...
I cancelled plans that would be considered active and energetic and hence good, in favour of plans that were less energetic. *sigh*:o
It’s possibly irrelevant to most of
you, but one of my favourite coffee shops has done a vanishing act!:((. The Barista on St. Mark’s road, the coffee shop with one of the nicest locations in town and the bestest, most conducive to wallowing in nostalgia brickwork has gone a-missing. The building is still there and there’s clearly renovation happening within it, but the coffee shop per se is not. It's gone lock, stock and tattered, aging, scrabble boards, and there’s nothing to tell you if they plan to return. I’m depressed. I’ve whiled away a lot of quality time there, with a lot of fine friends, including
anupma and was looking forward to more of the same.
And ...I tripped over a speed-breaker in the lane near my house, had a near spectacular fall on a fine, hard road, and am now the proud possessor of two scraped knees and one scraped elbow, sundry minor twinges and a tendency to whine more than the usual quota. Sympathy, etc is welcomed, nay, demanded.
On the highs, the weather's lovely. There's a nip in the air, and an afternoon sun to wallow in.