Dec 14, 2008 19:24
The last time I posted, I spilled a little story about myself. Well, not so much a story, but rather, I said I was asked to do drag. An honor, that I still am proud to admit. But I didn't let you know what happened?
I found out that the show was going to be last Friday. As it turned out, I had to open on Saturday. This means that I would not be able to do the show. Well, I could but you don't want me to help people on three hours of sleep or less. Have done it before, it ain't pretty. It looks like a Gilbert Gottfried movie. A lot of yelling and squinting goes on. But I so wanted to do it. It would have been so much fun, I had a song planned, and was ready to dance, shake and perform! After all, I am very energetic person, so this is totally something I would want to do. I will some day, hopefully.
And it was a good thing that I was not able to say yes. It turns out, that I got sick on Friday. Well, really I got sick earlier in the week, but it was the kind of sick that you could still function and could not justify being off work. But Friday, whatever I had kicked my ass. And then on Saturday, I got even sicker for the morning and early afternoon. In fact, I even slept! And for more than 6 hours! People who know me, know that if I sleep more than 6 hours it probably means that I am sick, or I was just lucky and didn't have to open. But I slept for probably 12 or 13 hours. Not, in one stretch because goodness gracious thats crazy. But 9 hour here, and an hour there, another hour there, well you get the picture. It was wonderful! Except for the throwing up part. Yeah. Major Yuck!
Oh, and the other thing that happened was my car broke down. Well, it only needed a battery, which I was going to replace on Monday, so it of course dies on Friday. And then I had to walk to my parent's home to get the other car. It was frustrating. Maybe that's why I got sick. DAMN YOU BATTERY!!