Mini Update.....

Sep 08, 2008 17:15

So I know I’m never on here and I feel really bad, I’ve been so busy that I barely remember to breathe! This week has been crazy that I didn’t even know it was the weekend was here and now it’s Monday, oh joy!

Well I went to my best friend’s birthday party at Electric Cowboy on Aug 30th and some guy that I was talking to on a dating site met me at the place and we seem to hit it off so we’re dating and things good or I hope so ha!

Went to the Rockies game on Saturday night and it was totally amazing! Just sharing laughs and smiles with Dane, and of course must mention that Matt Hoillday was RIGHT there {see photos to know what I mean} oh I was loving it!

Since I no longer work at Dollar Tree, I started working for my dad being a loan processor I’m training right now and let’s me say it’s only been a couple of days and it’s crazy, I just hope I can do it because I honestly have no idea what else I could do with my life and I need to make money fast for many reason’s. *sighs*

I’m just worried due to paying bills on time, and the Supernatural Con in November it’s just stressful and I never expected this to happen {as usual}

I hope to have some free time soon to check up a little at least on LJ, but I sure hope everyone is doing well. :{ Hopefully we’ll can catch up soon?

I’m totally wanting Pink’s new album, the single “So What” is amazing me so excited!!! :D


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