
Jul 18, 2008 20:31

  • The last 48 hour's has been rough, I hardly been sleeping or eating, I've been forcing myself to eat even if it's just a little, my boss actually made me eat some cookies today that she had made so I could at least get some sugar in my body and not pass out somwhere.
  • Did talk to Andrew's mother, she told me to just give space and it'll all work out for the best
  • Men suck, seriously
  • My dog needs to stop peeing on the floor ugh!! LOL
  • Melody's baby shower is tomorrow at noonish, I'm the photographer so I'll be super busy!! I'm sure I'll post photo's, but I sure hope to be joyful for the party and for Melody *sighs*
  • Work is going a little better but not much!
  • Even though I have a million things to do I just don't feel like doing them :(
  • I have the worst headache and I think it's from not eating, sleeping and to much crying the past 48 hour's although I've only cried once today and it was short
  • I miss Good Charlotte, their music has helped me for the past week, and gosh it means a lot!
  • My car needs a oil change, tire roation and major work on it ha!
  • Anyone good making icons for LJ,   would anyone like to make some for me with me and the GC boys? :)
  • I cannot beleive I'm not asleep yet, I'm tired but don't want to sleep 
  • Hope Andrew is suffering for how he's making me feel
  • I cannot beleive I'm going to see BSB soon it's crazy how fast life comes at you

Better late than never-

Happy Birthday Jared!!! :)

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