Yep, tonight didn't happen.

Jul 16, 2008 16:27

Tonight  I should be with Andrew, at my mother in law's house trying to fix our relationship, did it happen? Nope!

He never even calls me back he told me last night he's not happy with me right now due to

*Being mean to his friend's and mainly people around us when we go out.
{I hate his friend's he's living with right now cuz I blame them a little for our relationship} Heck one is 40's year old, 3 kids, divorce, makes little stupid jokes I hate, who lives and acts like a pig, and Andrew's "ex" step father is a rage drunk!!  How can I like being over there esp when the house is a mess, *shivers*

*Asking him for money {which is usually only for a bill, we do have a loan payment due each other we both pay, I pay 200.00 he pay's 110.00 and yeah never works out.

Have no idea what to do!! :(

I'm thinking to stop calling him and wait for him to call me once he grows up and starts acting like his age eh?This totally sucks, {I'm trying to see what his signs are far as divorce or just time apart}?

hate, marriage, friend's, men

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