My Florida and GA Vacation review... :)

Jun 24, 2008 19:06

Hollywood’s Vacation

{June 6th to June 16th}

Florida and Atlanta, GA.

June 6th 2008

After this past year so far and most of last year I’m finally glad to say it’s GOOD to be AWAY having fun and enjoying free time.

As my boss/friend took me to the airport after work, when I arrive and check in I remember that I left my 200.00 in my other shorts that I had changed from work which totally sucked so where I am worried as well freaking out trying to not cry and I called Holly, Andrew and Katy hoping something good will happen and after waiting for my plane and talking to Holly I thought I shouldn’t let it ruin my trip so I boarded the plane and off to Atlanta for a layover, we were sitting there for 20 minutes waiting to get OFF the plane and I was starving and wanted to make a phone call to Holly but I didn’t have enough time or so I thought. I stopped by some place to get some dinner for the money I did have on me and I rushed to my plane to get on and we ended up being 45 minutes late due to bunch of bull and I hated it I just wanted to get to Florida I arrived about 11:15pm and to come find out my cell phone does NOT work in these states which pissed me off as they said it would so I had to find a payphone to call Holly I kept thinking she wasn’t there since I was late and I couldn’t call her in I arrived in Atlanta.

So as I saw the luggage going, I told her where to meet me and then so when I walked over she was there I didn’t even know but we hugged and said hello, I kept being so worried about them losing my luggage (I don’t know why but I do) then we walked to the car and when we walked outside I couldn’t believe how muggy it was I was like “holy crap” So we just drove around Sarasota , chatted and she told me where things were, and such like a tour guide, and then we went to Siesta Beach for a little bit and I couldn’t believe how warm the water was at the time of night.

June 7th 2008


Well after weeks of planning to by New Kids On The Block ticket, it couldn’t happen due to plans and leaving money at home, so I hope to get lucky with a ticket but not getting my hopes up to even get to go. Meanwhile in the morning we left to downtown and had some a small breakfast at some place, came home and then got ready for the boat, which was a lot of fun since I actually never been on one for a long period of time. We just rode around then went to the sand bar and had lunch it was a lot of fun I didn’t have my swimming suit or else I would of went swimming and I so wish I had but I still went in the water, my shorts go soaked and that was okay ha. I collected some sea shells which was fun. After that we went to get a few errands done, I guess we had to wear a dress to the dinner and magic show at the Yacht club so we went to Old Navy and get some dresses and also to Chase to see if I could withdrawal some sort of money that I did have in the account until things were figured out.

We went back to Holly’s house had a few hour’s to kill then we had to go to the Yacht club for dinner and a magic show at Bird Key, which turned out to be very good show and the dinner was good as well we went to blockbuster afterwards and rented Mad Money and Georgia Rule and for the rest of the night we just hanged out, went online, did whatever and I remember passing out ha.

June 8th 2008


We woke up, got ready and went to meet Christina at the Ringling Museum at 1:00pm some part of the museum was closed due to a private party which sucked, but over all it was a pretty nice and I enjoyed it a lot. We got done about 5:00pm, we said our good-bye’s while having a photo shoot in the parking lot ha. Holly really wanted to go see Sex And The City again so we went to go see it that evening. We had dinner at Applebee’s and we still had time to kill so therefore we killed time by walking in downtown and having a photo shoot basically, LOL! I will admit I do not watch the show but the movie was really cute and we ended up getting home about 1:00am I believe.

June 9th 2008


We started the day off by going to the pier and it was pretty out there but it was a place more for people that fish to be honest. I had my first plate of seafood at the restaurants and to be honest it was ALL that bad. I ended up getting a necklace made out of a shark’s tooth which I found to be interesting. We took a few photo’s and a little far away you could see the tips of the Dolphin’s tail but I couldn’t see anything *sniffle* then we headed back to the car, got some star bucks and then headed to the Jungle Garden’s. It was beautiful it looked like a rainforest. I got to have two birds on my arm for a photo which was neat and then I also held a alligator not sure how I did it but it was a awesome experience. We also went to some park {forgot what it was called} and took some picture’s, then it started to rain and went to Walgreens and did some other errands, then at least we went to the Olive Garden for dinner, and went home and did whatever {I seriously cannot remember} LOL!

June 10th 2008


Today was BEACH day!!! I was totally happy {I‘m such a huge beach lover, and when I got to be at the beach for one day it meant a lot to me} We got up went to get some breakfast at Einstein’s and went back to the park took some picture’s, later on went to some shop called Beach Bizarre and I got some thing’s for my family which took forever lol, grabbed some subway and went to Siesta Key beach, it was so pretty! We had to get help setting up our umbrella it was pretty funny seeing it get blown away. We spent most of our time in the water and collecting sea shells which was pretty fun some people found some really nice one’s, I found a couple of cool ones too. I laid down to tan for which felt like only 5 minute’s and when we headed home I was sunburned bad {I did put sunscreen later in the day} it hurt to wear a bra for the next few day’s. We went and got some Chinese food for dinner and we watched Mad Money and basically relaxed for the night.

June 11th 2008


We slept in to a decent time, I woke up and took a shower to try and get some heat off of my sunburn, got ready and we went to Chase due to my mom transferring money into my account from hers which did work so I was happy. We went to meet Holly’s mom Irene at Chili’s for lunch, and we talked about Atlanta mostly and what the plans were for the day and tomorrow morning. Afterwards we all said our good-bye’s and Holly and I had errands to do which took the rest of the afternoon then we went back to Holly’s house and get ready and pack for Atlanta. Later on Holly’s friend Justine came over, so we hanged out talked and then went to bar/restaurant to get some food and chatted some more, we ended up not getting back home until like 11:00am.

June 12th 2008


We left the house by 5:45am got the airport and all checked in by 7:00am, We met Holly’s Mom, sister and her friend at the gate. We had some Starbucks and muffin before we had to board the plane. We arrived in Atlanta 9:30am got our bags and met Holly’s dad outside with the van and that’s when our sightseeing started. We started with the family thing’s, we headed to the Oakland Cemetery where some of Holly’s family was buried, and I though the Cemetery was pretty interesting, we also saw Robert Tyre Jones Jr grave also, we went to the City Hall afterwards due to a statue of a family member of their’s, and we headed to the Varsity to have lunch, then we headed to the Georgia Aquarium and the Coco Cola. Later that evening we headed to the hotel got checked in and we to our rooms and had to figure out what to do for the night we settled on going to the mall and we ended up having dinner at California Pizza Kitchen. When we return to our room I ended up seeing a pair of a shorts and luggage on my bed which was a tad freak. For the night just rented a movie called Fool’s Gold and did whatever to keep ourselves busy.

June 13th 2008


We had to be downstairs’ in the restaurant for breakfast at 7:30am and then we started our day by driving around for a little while in the morning and then we headed to CNN for the tour which was pretty damn neat seeing things live and how they do thing’s {One thing I learned the guy’s powder themselves more than female’s LOL!} we also got our photo taken like we were a reporter on TV, that was fun. We had lunch at a restaurant {I forgot what it was called} but it was a nice old restaurant which was pretty neat, which was very filling, Later the day/evening we also went to a village and looked around a little and Holly wanted to go try and get ticket’s to go see The Veronica’s which didn’t happen sadly. We headed back near our hotel and went to this other mall and walked around and then had dinner at a restaurant called Twist which where I had sushi for the first time in my life. When we went back to the hotel we hanged out and Holly and I went to the bar in the hotel and had couple of Cosmo’s to which we were both a tad buzzed, to where we had a photo shoot in the room and even made a video ha!

June 14th 2008


The bowl a thon event with the Littrell’s {Review is available}

After the bowling event , Holly and I had to take a cab back to the hotel and we had 2 and ½ hour’s to get ready and then we went out to dinner since it was Holly’s mom’s birthday. Holly and I also went to the bar for a little while and had couple of drinks and then we went to the room and stared off into Atlanta with our hotel room view while we had to pack for the morning flight back to Sarasota.

{June 15th 2008}


We woke up early around 6:00am got our things together and met Holly’s family in the lobby {we were running late} as we was on our way to the airport Holly left her cell in the room and then I felt like I left something too after as I was standing in the checkout line and noticed a girl wearing a pink hat so we had to go make a phone call to the hotel again to see if they had my hat which they did so they sent my hat and Holly’s phone thru mail which totally made me scared like no other because it was the hat that the Littrell’s had signed and I’m glad we got it before it was to late. We arrived in Sarasota I think like 10:30am or around there went back to Holly’s place and got ready and headed to Tampa to see Christina and we ended up having dinner at The Cheesecake Factory, we said our good-bye’s and then deicded to head back to Holly’s place, I finished packing my suitcase and went to bed around midnight I suppose.

{June 16th 2008}


Holly’s dad came over and woke us up which was around 4:00am, I got my things together, got dressed, we left for the airport, said our good-bye’s. I had to wait to check in since they weren’t open yet, then after check in, I got some Starbucks and waited to board the plane and went home.

I already miss Florida, and the fun I had. *sighs*

{If you read the entire review, I love you}

beach, atl, fun, vacation, ga, florida, review, 2008

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