Hiya, Hello, Whoooo hooo! :D

May 26, 2008 09:35

I can't think anymore of the subject titles lmao!!

Okay first thing first, should I be worried bout not getting a email back yet of my invoice for my perferred ticket and my seat info or do you think they still working on it? :]

Well I'm not sure if many of you knew but I had a mother/daughter makeover/photoshoot for Mother's Day and I got the picture's back :)

Heres me, single photo

My mother Judy, her single photo.

Our mother/daughter photo... :) It's my favorite :D

bobbinrob wanted to see a photo(s) of my new haircut, I hope to have better ones soon, :\

I had 7 inches cut off, I miss my long hair badly!! but it needed to be cut, it was dry and dead and of course I wanted my hair all one length.

Here are two photo's from when I went out on Friday night.

Sorry bout my clevage, I just got done dancing and didn't fix it before the photo, eh :(

So I'm not sure how many people on my list are NKOTB fan's but anyways at work the NKOTB was on Today show and I was watching it at work since we only had two kids lol and I took a photo of Tavin watching the TV, it's so adorable, she was dancing and enjoying it. {she loves music}

Not a lot has happened lately, just working much as possible and working on my marriage but it's really on the rocks. I got my nails done on Friday and I cannot type for crap lol!

I leave for Florida in 10 day's, I'm excited but nervous I'm meeting someone for the first time but we've been friend's for awhile.

Good new's.....
I have the best seat for the BSB NJ show although it's GA :D

I don't know what else jus wish I could of been over at a friend's over the weekend, that would be cool! *sighs*

Any questions? ;) lol!

photos, busy, marriage, children, nails, vacation

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