Update 3/30/08

Mar 30, 2008 15:00


Well it’s Sunday and I’m so bored, ha! Well to start off this entrée I thought I’ll just wish everyone who is attending the Eye - Con to have a great amazing time, but be safe too, I would like you back in one piece to give all of us details J Yes I wish I was going, *nod* who wouldn’t?

Tomorrow I need to take back my cell and see what they can do it’s acting so weird and the battery doesn’t even last a whole day which sucks and I just got it not to long ago, it’ll be one month this week I believe. I really like it I just don’t understand some of the things it does and the book doesn’t even mention it, so weird.

Well I found out that for my trip in June it seems we won’t be driving to Atlanta anymore we will be flying since my friend’s family is coming along but they won’t be going to the Walkathon with us. It seems we want to do the conference that is happening but it just doesn’t seem we can do it after all, I thought it would be free for my guest to go so it wouldn’t be to much of money wise for us but we thought totally wrong but I hope we can still attend a couple of event’s they are having it looks like a lot of fun.

I watched the boys on the celebrity thingy whatever it was called, eh but anyways I thought it was really dumb of how they did it, making the boys look so BAD! Anyways I decided to go into the Fan Club chat since someone had mentioned the fans were bitching about what happened because I totally was confused myself. As I entered the chat I noticed Leighanne was in there and the room was going CRAZY and here I am trying to have a decent convocation with Leighanne, and then few minutes later Brian popped in and the room got up to 103 people! Leighanne did wish me to get better, and Brian talked about a new song off of his next solo album, Leighanne did mention she was going to be at the Walkathon and I sure hope that if ANY of the boys announce they will be going I hope it’s not until the day OF due to the fact of people just randomly going for the WRONG reason. Anyways and as I mentioned a post while ago of how I missed Brian in the chat one time and now I can see there is NO reason to freak out you’re be lucky if they say hi to you because of all the craziness, and I also wish that fan’s would not announce when the boys are in the chat because then it might actually be much calmer?

So I’m having a problem with a friend of mine who I’ve been friend’s with since high school, and granted I knew she wasn’t a good friend by then due to her lying and making up stories but as she found me on My space I figured we could start a friendship again since it’s been a few years since we both have graduated. Well I invited her to my birthday party and I told her just be herself and not be to crazy because well she can be. A week later I talked to one of my friend’s Ryan who was also at my party and Danielle ended up having a crush on him but there was a huge age difference but anyways Ryan said him and his friend will go see a movie with us if we came down to where they were at which was a mall in Greenwood Village well when we got there they decided to play some games and be dicks as Ryan admitted when he text me because they had two other friend’s who were females there with them as well. Danielle was the one that kept saying forget them, they are jerks I hate them and she just ignored them and talked shit behind their backs, when I went up to them asking what the deal was if they were going with them or us for the movie and being dicks as usual shit hit the fan and so we left them and went to see the movie ourselves, but anyways the next day I guess Danielle text Ryan and apolized to him for my behavior, and that it would be pointless to text me and see what happened and why we left and she told him it was my idea to leave them and whatnot which totally pissed me off especially telling my friend to not bother contacting me, so I basically told her off and told her to quit text Ryan, because I told her from the beginning she will not break us up so she could “date” him. It just made me mad that she would tell him bunch of lies and twist up stories and I thought she had changed eh I seriously do not understand this at all, I mean granted Ryan should of just told me from the beginning we have other friend’s and whatnot I would of understand but guys will be dicks, and this makes me so not able to trust people EVER!!

Tomorrow is my first day of my part time job at the in home daycare J it’s a small job but it’s something to get some sort of cash so we shall see how it goes, I did have a interview at TGIF Friday’s but I can’t get a hold of the manager which sucks, eh. I guess that’s all sorry I wrote a book, and now my hand hurts like hell LMAO!

drama, life, job, friend's, walkathon

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