Just a few thing's (a tad long)

Mar 07, 2007 19:50

I’ve been thinking a lot these past few day’s, and I wonder how much people really do care about me or other’s. I mean I finally got a job after 2 month’s of hell and such I’ve filled out about 25 applications and sent at least 15 resumes online to people from Jobing.com and I’ve been wondering if I didn’t work every night people would call or want to hang out, but I was wrong past 2 months to where I had no job hardly people has asked me to hang out, even to just come over and watch a movie, so I now know that with my new job it won’t matter even if I have money people will not call, or so it seems like it, but hopefully I am wrong. I do understand that people have job’s themselves and even college and other friend’s but it really hurts me to say they want to hang out but we never do but I always see them hanging out with other’s, it confuses me a lot but if these people want me to kiss their ass for friendship, it will not happen, it takes two ways for friendship and I hate always having to the one to start a fucking conversation, or email, or even to call on the phone!

People should get to know me, I can be a lot of fun but there’s time where I’m really quiet because I’m not sure what to say or do, because in the past I’ve said or done thing’s that has make me lose some friend’s and sometimes I’m scared to get to close to someone because I don’t want to be hurt again in the future I do hope for my future that I’ll have at least a few friend’s that I can trust and to where I can talk to about anything, and we’ll always make time for each other.

I’m actually happy right now, because I believe I know what I wan to do for my future, I decided to become a pharmacy tech, and I even have a way for to where someone will pay for my schooling it won’t cost me or my parent’s a penny and I think it’ll be the best choice I ever made in life. I was going to go for childhood but it won’t be happening, and although I miss working with children, I can’t hear children so well which makes my job a lot harder, although I know I’ll have two children of my own in the future even if I have to adopt.

Also lately I’ve seen so many thing’s that I so dislike in this world, when I went to go apply at Target last week a car was parked next to me, and the car was trashed the backseat was full of stuff pilled up to the top of the car the front seats were covered with trash, food, and it was just a mess and what do I see in the window a cat. One that looks just like Phoebe it made me think why would anyone live or do that? I felt so bad I could never harm any animal, even though I’m scared of snakes to life I still won’t harm them. Also I’ve seen how people do not watch their children, for example Wal-Mart people don’t pay attention and care about just to shop but their kids are roaming around, pushing stuff off the shelves, hitting each other, and even to the point where they get lost, it makes me wonder but I seriously wish people would grow up and use common sense!

I also cannot stand selfish people!!! There’s this one person who’s seeing Brian FIVE times and yet she’s complaining because one of the other show’s she was going to got cancelled but that would have been SIX show overall! I think it’s so funny how her mom pays for everything and yet she’s my age, hmm? Am I jealous? Hell no! I’ve gotten to see Brian live last year and I’ll be seeing him in August with some friend’s of mine and I couldn’t be more happier so yeah people need to stop thinking that I’m jealous it’s the fact that they cannot be happy no matter what! A girl was complaining that she wanted to see Justin again after twice, oh dear god yet you should be thankful because some people couldn’t see him either A) The tour didn’t come to their state or B) they cannot afford to travel. Even with my new job I doubt I’ll able to be travel much as I used to, but now I also realized that I will only do it if that something is important to me. Will I travel to see Classic Crime? No, how about Justin Timberlake? Oh yes def, I’m all about him and it’s my dream to at least see him live solo, how about Backstreet? Sure if I have the money to spend for it and yet sure why not? Any way’s I’m sure you get my point.

Just a few other thing’s…..

Yesterday was Joey’s birthday, I miss it when I got him in May and he was just a little kitten *sighs* the sure get big fast! LOL

I definitely regret the past of when the whole Nsync/BSB phase that many people went through, but of course myself hid that I was a Nsync fan or should I say mostly Justin of course I should of just showed it like I am now, *sighs* and I know that’ll will not happen again!

Well I think that’s it, I didn’t even notice how long this was but before I stop I’ll won’t be on much tomorrow I have two appts at 9am and 2pm and then since I’ll be half way already to my friend’s houses I’m just going to go pick them up and we’re going to go out to dinner at Old Chicago then we’re going to a concert, yes The Matches J I’ll probability be home late and then who knows if I’ll be starting my job on Friday or so, I wonder how long it takes for them to get the results *sighs* making me nervous lol!

As for the update on my so far, she has to wait another week or two to get her biopsy done, I’m getting so sick of doctor’s which is why I changed my mind about going into the medical field, fuck that!

Okay, I’m gone!


I f you read all this, thank you! LOL

I don’t mean no harm… I just want to ROCK Justin’s BODY! :D


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