Jan 08, 2005 22:41
With the help of Zahra, I really straightened Kyle out. I yelled at him more today. A lot. Then went to the mall with him. He was nice the WHOLE time *gasp*!!! It was awesome. He was nice. Like WOW. It was amazing. And really fun. I DDRed and got a Weezer CD and spent time with Kyle and Steven which is always good and hung out with Kaitlin and Laura and all of them together and then (this is really the icing on the cake).... WE HUNG OUT WITH KYLE'S DAD AND STEPMOM! And I'm not being sarcastic. They are soooo cool!
Kyle's stepmom: *holds shopping bag*
Kyle: What's in the bag?
Kyle's stepmom: Panties.
Kyle: *closes eyes and cringes*
Everyone else but Kaitlin who didn't catch it: *laughs hysterically*
XD It was so funny. So yeah. I had a really awesome night. The best in a while.
<3 Good night.