Jun 12, 2008 20:03
So I'm sitting in Sweet Eugene's with about 45 minutes left on my laptop battery. I'm here because Suddenlink sucks, and the internet at my house isn't working. Whatever.
For the past 30 minutes, this guy has just been walking around. Alone. With a bluetooth (or whatever those hands-free things that go on your ear are called...). He was messing with a cell phone, but that is now clipped to his pants. However, he proceeds to walk around, staring about. I'm thinking he thinks he looks pretty spiffy with his fancy ear clip, but really, he looks silly. Eh...to each his own, I suppose. I'm definitely not the only one looking, though....
I've also seen 3 people from the gym here. It's fun to see gym people in normal clothes. Cheryl, a lady who takes my classes regularly, shared a funny story with me: She ran into a fellow participant at Wal-Mart one day and remarked, "It's so different seeing you with clothes on!" She said she got some pretty funny looks from people passing by. Haha. I love it.
OK, my battery is about to die...bye!