Nov 01, 2005 21:09
well a lot of stuff has happened since i last updated things were said people were hurt close ties were torn into more...further apart ties. ties that were not supposed to be torn, and for what just because life sucks but its ok its fine i can cope with it all now it took me a week and some odd days but its fine now. you know that saying..if you love something let it go and if it comes back to you it was meant to be.. well im going with that. of corse the other part of that saying is if you let it go and it didnt come back then your a fucking idiot for letting something you cared so much about go..but im tryin to avoid that part lol well anyway. that quote i have saying "life isnt fair its just fairer than death"..yeah its true i didnt believe it for a while but its true. dont get me wrong i love life sometimes it sucks but i love it, sometimes i wish it would stop but i wouldnt miss it for the world and its because of the people i love and care about, even if right now they dont give a rats ass if i love or care about them or both for that matter, its because of the past experiences and the future ones to come that make life worth living i dont know whats going to happen i thought i was pretty sure i thought i had my future planned out but things change hopefully the peices will fall back together but if not im gonna have to make a whole new puzzle with whole new peices....i dont even know what im talking about now but one things for sure all my hope rest on promises fragile things really but i trust in them. i love you guys, always and forever