(no subject)

May 20, 2007 16:50

i can't deal with this nonsence anymore. its really frustrating and I'm on the verge of calling it quits because he see's no errors in his actions. there is nothing to be resolved in his eyes...so what more can I do?? N.O.T.H.I.N.G.  nothing at all. i cannot waste anymore energy into this predicament -- i'm drained. it's its not worth the fight when everything I say goes in one ear and out the other....

it doesn't matter what I say, he's still going to continue living by his standards. 1+1=1.

I feel like he's thrown our history away like it was trash or something...

fuck him.

i can do bad all by myself....


As I'm writing this journal entry the a/c came on and blew a peice of paper down onto the keyboard...A NOTE FROM HIM...
it reads :

if you didn't say shit that you didn't mean this would be happening. (if he knows i don't mean some of the things i say, then whats the problem. he knows when i get angry i start talking shit!) you can't even talk to me. Writing notes like we in highschool. (BECAUSE HE DOESN'T FUCKIN LISTEN TO ME!!!!! AT LEAST I KNOW MY POINT IS GETTING ACROSS THROUGH THE WORDS!) Whatever. You're stupid. He has nothing to do with this bitch. it's my son I want . (DUHH. the arguement is not about the child. its about decieving!! going behind my back). And yes, they all know we're married. If we communicated you would know this. (IDIOT! whose the one not communicating??? I didn't know he'd been visiting his ex, and this baby after not seeing them for 2 years!!!!!!)

im over and done with it.

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