OOC: relationships

Dec 31, 2015 21:26

Apple (crowsloveapples )
SM first met Apple when he needed help pinning his hair back when flying. The two talk frequently

Ari (hik_ari_gato ) - 2nd Sister [ GONE ]
SM first met Ari while having a milkshake. The two hit it off pretty well at first and during the great fire, SM tried to save Ari but ended up falling herself. SM was reborn with both Ari and Cara as sisters.

ping: Ari pings SM for Artemis in appearance but Diana in personality

Bastet (felinemystique )
Bastet is the clothing shop owner and a guard. SM first met Bastet at her clothing store after the great fire. She had no money to speak of and Bastet kindly gave her more clothing than her meager pieces of candy could buy. SM intends to buy her some sort of sundae to pay her back for the clothing.

ping: Bastet pings SM for Setsuna / Sailor Pluto. Not only does Bastet look like Setsuna, she acts quite a bit like her, taking care of SM when she needs it and is incredibly kind and strong.

Beat (beat_da_button ) [ GONE ]
Beat helped rebuild Juliet and Sailormoon's shop after the fire.

Bell (grab_my_bells )
Bell is Youth's friend. SM met Bell through Youth. She doesn't know him very well.

Cara (feathered_earth ) - 2nd sister
Cara befriended SM very early, becoming a protective older sister before the Sphere even made them sisters. SM looks to Cara for strength and support as well as friendship. Cara invited SM to move in with her after Doll disappeared and the two have been roommates ever since, later adding Ari to the room.

Chosen (hunny_sensor ) [awol]
The guard on duty who met SM on her first arrival. He has since disappeared.

Dani (kleptomonkey )

Doll (droppedastitch ) [awol]
Doll was one of the first people to adopt SM when she had nowhere to live. Unfortunately Doll has long-since disappeared

Juliet (esoteric_rose )
Juliet and Sailormoon first talked over the journal about hairstyles and eventually met in person. Sailormoon is quite attached to Juliet and sees him as a big sister.

Kitty (saleskitten ) [awol]
Kitty disappeared during the great fire. She ran the original candy shop.

// Youth's son.

// helped decorate smoke's bar, met for milkshakes, etc.

LocketLucy (lemonshine ) [awol]
Lucy disappeared during the great fire. She was a coworker of SM's at the candy shop

Medium (esp_optimism )
Medium was one of the first people to help SM find a job when she first arrived. SM finds Medium quite pleasant.

Mute (out_ofmycage )
Mute seems to be about SM's age. She doesn't use any caps and calls SM "Sailormoonchan". The two like to talk quite a bit.

ping: Mute pings SM a bit for Usagi by appearance

Pinky (sassyandpink ) [ GONE ]
While the two haven't talked much, SM finds Pinky rather pleasant. She seems to have a sweet tooth.

ping: Pinky pings SM for Minako / Sailor Venus in appearance and somewhat in personality

Serenity (white_disciple ) - 1st sister
Serenity is SM's original sister. She is incredibly protective of SM and the two get along extraordinarily well. SM sees Serenity as a very powerful older sister, looking up to her for strength and guidance. She also seeks Serenity for support.

ping: Serenity pings SM for Neo Queen Serenity, by name, appearance, and personality, though Serenity is much more chipper and cheerful than NQS (while she's much more mellow)

Sora (shiroi_memory ) [ GONE ]
Sora is about SM's age. The two met over ice cream and hang out every so often.

Stigmata (godsmajesty ) [ GONE ]
Stigmata is a calm person who lets SM cling to him. He's pretty quiet, in general, which makes talking to him rather difficult.

ping: Stigmata pings SM for Mamoru, mostly in appearance.

Victory (chieftainess )
Victory helped Juliet and Sailormoon rebuild the candy/flower shop

Yuuki (stargoggleboy ) [ GONE ]
Yuuki's about SM's age. He helped rebuild Juliet and SM's shop and went to the mall with her and Cara

Youth (spandexisyouth )
SM first met Youth during the mistletoe event. He encountered her at the sweets shop and hugged her. He's a very affectionate person who has an affection for sparkles.
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