A Really Long Entry. Skip To The Bottom. There Are Pictures!

Dec 28, 2006 05:02

I rarely update.  Sorry.  It's just that my life is pretty boring.
I work and sleep. Usually nothing too exciting happens when I work, and same with sleeping. 
Though once I kicked the cat and then she bit my toe...
Here's what's been going on:

I got my grades:
Latin:  B-
European Fiction:  B+
British Writers:  A
Classical Archaeology:  A
Overall Undergrad GPA:  3.37
The GPA was a bit lower than I was hoping for, but oh well, not much I can do about it now, being all graduated.  ( :

Grad Schools.
Now I have to work on picking a grad school. 
As of right now, my first choice is McGill University in Quebec.  I'm not sure that my grades are good enough though, and if I did go there, I'd have to brush up on my French.  Sadly there aren't really any ALA accredited MLIS programmes in New England.  That's where I'd really like to be.  There's always UB and the University at Albany.  The UB programme isn't quite what I want though, and I'd really rather not go back to Buffalo.  Albany has an ok programme, but, it's in Albany...  I'd really like to get out of New York, I guess.  There's are two programmes in Wisconsin and it's likely that I'd get in, and perhaps even get a descent scholarship.  There are also a few in Colorado.  I'd love to be somewhere with lots of snow.  I know mom would like me to stay close to home, and really, I'd like to be close to home, but at the same time, I really need a change of scenery...  There's a good programme in Nova Scotia.  My mom's very against that...  I'm going to have to contact a few places and get some literature.  We'll see.  ( :

Went to Grandpa's Christmas Eve.  Shannon made dinner.  I ate like three bowls of ice cream.  Jon came over and we exchanged gifts.  (More accurately, he exchanged gifts with my Mom.  She got him some dark chocolate covered maccodamia nuts and a dark chocolate and raspberry candy bar and he got her a 4 D Cell Maglite.  I didn't have anything for him yet, and his gift for me hadn't arrived yet.  He did burn Star Trek the animated series for me on CDs, and he burned the first 9 seasons of Good Eats for my sister.)   He stayed for awhile and chatted with us.  Good times.  Always nice to see him.  ( :  I finally went to sleep around 5am.  And then Shannon woke us up around 8:30 for breakfast.  Way too early if you ask me.  ( :  We had cinnamon buns and opened presents then had some real breakfast.  ( :  I got some new pjs, a book, a few gift crads, sudoku pencils...  Early in the afternoon mom and I headed home.

I've been working a lot.  I don't like it much.  I had to work Christmas.  4-11p.  Then I had to be in the next day at 8a.  I was supposed to work 8a-4p, but the girl that was supposed to work at 4 called in, so I ended up staying til 1a, which was pretty terrible.  I was the only register open all day.  And I had to do all the cleaning and restocking and everything.  Luckily my mom helped out and swept and mopped the store at the end of the night so I could concentrate on stocking the cooler and stuff.  And, thankfully, I had today off.  I slept from 3am til about 7pm today.  It was fantastic.  ( :

Jon's Birthday and Jamie's Holiday Party.
I did actually do a few social things last week, Jamie, one of Jon's friends had a Holiday party.  He deepfried a turkey, which I'd never had before.  It was pretty good, perhaps a bit well done.  But, it was a nice opportunity to hang out with Jon and Matt and Ashley.  Ashley's  boyfriend Sean came up.  And I got to meet Jamie's girlfriend Karen, as well as a few of his friends from the fire department.  And there's was Jamie's mom's delicious taco dip.  And cocktail wieners in Dinosaur BBQ sauce.  MMMM!
Jon's party was a few days later, and was a bit more of an event.  Obviously Jon was there.  And his girlfriend, Gabe.  And Matt and Ashley, and Shagun came up from Buffalo.  And Jamie was there, and his girlfriend, Karen.  We all met up at Jon's house and went out to Mykonos, a Greek restaurant / dinner, Jon's favourite.  I ordered a ruben.  I know it's an old man's sandwich, but I love them.  ( :   After dinner we went over to Beers of the World and wandered around a little bit and then went over to the liquor store and picked up a bunch of stuff.  After that Jamie and I were elected to go to Tops for mixers and a bag of ice, so we went there and I had a chance to chat with Jamie a little bit  which was nice because I don't often get one-on-one time with Jamie.  When we got back to Jon's we settled in the Clubhouse (his basement) and began tasting various drinks.  There was something called Hot Sex, which tasted mostly like chocolate milk...   And then there was some sort of raspberry beer thing that Ashley had brought.  And I had lots of Goldschlagger.  And I did a few shots if peppermint schnapps followed by chocolate syrup, which was delicious.  And I had a fuzzy naval.  And I had a glass of butter schnapps.  Then I had some kind of lemon liquor, which was interesting, but very strong tasting.  Then we all had some of Jon's mom's pizza bread. And after sufficient drunken tomfoolery we went bowling.  We all bowled pretty terribly (likely because we were all drunk).  Actually, Shagun didn't drink, which was good because he was our driver.  ( :  After a game of bowling we went back  to  Jon's and had a few more drinks and then all headed home.  Sadly we never made it to Thirsty's or the Old Toad because there was plenty of drinking at Jon's, but Jon assures me will go out sometime soon.  ( :

Me sitting around, being a bum, wearing a hoodie.  I look pretty good considering I'm wearing no make-up.  (Unless you consider chap stick make-up.  My lips are wicked chapped.)

Ok, for having a really boring life, I suppose I had a lot to say.  Hope everyone is well, and now that I'm home and don't have to write for school or anything, hopefully I'll write a bit more here.  ( :

work, drinks, pictures, ub, buffalo, friends, family, school, jon

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