May 02, 2011 21:09

( fandom student application )

AGE: 26
CONTACT: AIM - OvermanZs1
PERSONAL LJ: overmanzs1

NAME: Popuri Lill
CANON: Harvest Moon
AGE: 14
GENDER: Female
ENROLLMENT: Scholarship thanks to her dad being a former teacher (in botany)

PERSONALITY: Popuri is just your average girl from your average chicken farm. Nothing supernatural or secret about her; simply a girl who loves flowers and isn't the brightest in the bunch. While Popuri always tries her best at things, she has a habit of leaving out small details that ultimately equates into her being wrong. In school, she's no where near the top of her class, but at least she's passing, and she tries her best. Sadly, going to school in the city and living in the country doesn't give her the chance to be equally tutored, and is thusly, stuck doing her best on her own. She doesn't wish to bother her mom too much, and often her brother scolds her.

She adores cute things, no matter what they are, but primarily flowers and animals. She grew up planting flowers around Mineral Town with her mother. While they planted various kinds of roses and flowers, Pink Cat Mint flowers were her favorite, primarily because they were pink. While she has little time to do so anymore, she still loves flowers and would love to be able to plant them again. Taking care of the chickens is her top concern after school these days, and she loves them each of them dearly. Popuri spends plenty of her spare time with them, and even names each one; her favorite is named Pon.

Popuri isn't very bright at all, but incredibly cheerful. It's difficult to upset her, simply because she doesn't immediately see the bad side of things. Even when things bring her down, much like the lost of one of her hens, a pep talk and a distraction will quickly bring her back to her cheerful self. Popuri is a bit slow on the uptake. It takes her a while to realize and understand complicated things, and even afterward, she tries to keep them simple. About the only complicated thing she can grasp is raising chickens and planting flowers, at least not without a great deal of effort.

Her hometown proves to be an interesting place, as 95% of it's population is purely vegetarian. Being a farm down, where people raise their livestock like pets, they don't believe in eating them either, though, they know others do, and sell them to other towns knowing that. Popuri herself is among the 95%, as she doesn't eat meat, but eggs and milk and such are just fine. As is fish! But the one thing that makes her a little off is that she freaks out when she hears about others who'd eat chicken. She's yet to mature to the point where she accepts it as normal, so expect her to panic when anyone even suggests such a thing around her. She's finding though that the city is also vegetarian friendly.

Popuri is enthralled by the big city and fancy technology. While she likes living on the farm in the country, she'd much rather have that kind of life in the middle of the city. She'd love to move there if she could, but keeps it to herself so she doesn't upset her family. Because she's lived in the country all her life, she's missed out on, and ignorant to a lot of modern conveniecnes, such as some frozen foods, hand-held technology, computers and remotes. She'd love to learn about them, but excuse her if she derps about it for a while at first.

COMPUTER APTITUDE: Incredibly basic. She pecks when typing.

AU HISTORY: Popuri grew up in Mineral Town, somewhere in the American midwest. It's a small, farming town that keeps mostly to itself, but ships out quite a lot of crops and livestock. Popuri grew up with her mother and brother, running their chicken farm, while her dad was abroad, researching various plants, hoping to find the one that would cure her mother's illness (non-fatal, mind you).

In the meantime, Popuri lived on a chicken farm with her mother, Lilia, her older brother, Rick, and their dad. She grew up helping out around the farm, as well as planting flowers around the town with her mother. When Popuri was 7, her mother became sick, prompting her dad to leave town, looking for a cure for her sickness. Some people rumor that it's poison from a flower she plucked, while others say she's allergic to some of the very flowers she planted. Rick and Popuri were left to take care of the chicken farm, as well as the business of livestock and feed sales. Popuri always tried her best, but she was prone to simple mistakes, such as leaving the chickens out in the rain or overnight.

School in Mineral Town was almost non-existent; and the children either had to be home-schooled by their parents, or be driven to the next town to attend school. While her brother, Rick, stayed home, Popuri was schooled in town. Popuri didn't mind going back and forth, but she was excited every day to go into town. Not necessarily just to be at school, but she was wowed by being in town, far fancier than the farming
enviornment she was from. Even if Popuri wasn't that bright, she was excited for school every day, but just as excited to get home and tend to her chickens.

Together, her and her brother worked hard, and managed things fairly successfully, with a little help from mom. But while her dad was away, he managed to pick up a job due to all his research in botany. He'd begun teaching at a high-end school in France; Reims Academy. Unfortunately, he decided to cut his time there short, opting to return home. But, in his place, he arranged a scholarship for his daughter. At least before leaving home, Popuri would get to see her father again for a week!

Alas, going to school in a fancy, far-away place comes with it's downside. As many times as she had her father explains the rules, there was simply no way for her to even bring one chicken. Even a chick would eventually grow up and have to be sent away, one way or another. Spending the rest of the day crying, her mother suggested that she write a list of things to help her dad and brother pick up the slack in her stead. After all, nobody cared for the chickens as well as she did. The next morning, Popuri had managed a rather long list of rules, times, and procedures for both her dad and brother. Fortunately, most of the list was items scratched out and re-written items, equalling only about 3/4th of a page of instructions. Her last day was spent explaining everything to her favorite hen, Pon.

My mom and dad sent me a package today! Im so excited! I cant wait to see what it is! I hope Pon is doing okay without me. She gets fussy if she's not fed on time.

Oh! And they wrote me a letter too! Ill read that later.

And some flower seeds from home too!

That was nice but, how do I plant them? I cant plant them at the school, can I?

Oh! This can talk to the teachers too, right? Can I plant flowers here? Is that allowed? Because I dont want the seeds to go to waste.


HAVE YOU READ THE FAQ? Yup! And I shall beware the rabit ferrets, as I don't really have anyone who can hax anyway!
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