Mayfield app thingy!

Jan 16, 2011 06:32

Name: Zappa
Personal LJ: zappa_slave
Contact Info: AIM - Zappaslave
Other Characters Played: human_Pretender
Preferred Housing: N/A, so let's fill up some of those lonely, motherless houses~

Character Name: Popuri (no last names ever given)
Character Series: Harvest Moon (specifically, Back To Nature)
Character Age: 19
Background: Popuri lives in Mineral Town, an out-of-the way town nestled between mountains and the ocean; including a waterfall where the Harvest Goddess visits!
When Popuri was very young, she met ((Let's call the main character Mike for name's sake)) who was visiting his grandfather. They played, they had fun, they were cute. And then Mike went back home. Never to visit again for almost 10 years!

In the meantime, Popuri lived on a chicken farm with her mother, Lilia, her older brother, Rick, and their dad. She grew up helping out around the farm, as well as planting flowers around the town with her mother. When Popuri was 12, her mother became sick, prompting her dad to leave town, looking for a cure for her sickness. Some people rumor that it's poison from a flower she plucked, while others say she's allergic to some of the very flowers she planted. Rick and Popuri were left to take care of the chicken farm, as well as the business of livestock and feed sales. Popuri always tried her best, but she was prone to simple mistakes, such as leaving the chickens out in the rain or overnight.

Grown up, Popuri met Mike again, but didn't really remember him from her childhood, being the cute little ditz she is. But they became friends again, and gradually more from there. Mike consoled her on one such incident where Popuri left one of her favorite chickens, Mint, outside, and a wolf had eaten her. As a favor, Popuri had asked Mike to raise an egg for her, one which they didn't have enough room for in the incubators. When it hatched, Mike named it Popuri. Popuri even shared her dreams of moving to a big city with Mike, which was something she'd never told anyone else.

Another boy, Kai, showed interest in Popuri one summer, and would always entice her with stories of the big city down south where he lived the rest of the year. The two of them could have hit it off, but when Kai wasn't there the rest of the year, Mike was; which was greatly favored by her brother Rick. Two years after Mike initially moved back to Mineral town, he and Popuri got married.

((However, the marriage will be omitted for her arrival. ))

Personality: Popuri is just your average girl from your average chicken farm. Nothing supernatural or secret about her; simply a girl who loves flowers and isn't the brightest in the bunch. While Popuri always tries her best at things, she has a habit of leaving out small details that cause bigger mistakes. Most of these occur during her care of the chickens, such as leaving the coop open or leaving them out in the rain. Rarely are her mistakes catastrophic, but she often takes it harder than she should, especially due to the way her older brother Rick always nags her about such things.

She adores cute things, no matter what they are, but primarily flowers and animals. She grew up planting flowers around Mineral Town with her mother. While they planted various kinds of roses and flowers, Pink Cat Mint flowers were her favorite, primarily because they were pink. While she has little time to do so anymore, she still loves flowers and would love to be able to plant them again. Taking care of the chickens is her top concern these days, and she loves them each of them dearly. Popurui spends plenty of her spare time with them, and even names each one; her favorite (since Mint was killed) is named Pon.

Despite her mistakes, Popuri works hard to help her sick mother and her brother run their chicken farm. Though she tries to share the responsibilities of cleaning the coop, and managing the sales of the chickens and the feed, it's mostly her job to feed them. She takes loving care of her chickens, and about the only mistake she doesn't make is caring for them while they're eggs in the incubator; since one mistake could easily kill her next favorite hen. She has a sort of sixth sense for telling which eggs are best suited for sale, eating, or raising, but that's really more of something she's learned through loving and caring for her livestock.

Popuri isn't very bright at all, but incredibly cheerful. It's difficult to upset her, simply because she doesn't immediately see the bad side of things. Even when things bring her down, much like the lost of one of her hens, a pep talk and a distraction will quickly bring her back to her cheerful self. Popuri is a bit slow on the uptake. It takes her a while to realize and understand complicated things, and even afterward, she tries to keep them simple. About the only complicated thing she can grasp is raising chickens and planting flowers, at least not without a great deal of effort.

Abilities: You know that part in Legend of Zelda, where you whack the chicken too much, a flock of them come from off screen and start wailing on you? She can't do that, but it'd be funny if she could!
She has the power to raise chickens awesomely! And the power of cute.
((I.e., no special powers))

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