So even though...

Sep 28, 2008 11:25

I pretended that I didn't care that the guy from the New Times disliked my flyer and WROTE about it, I did care. It sucks a lot when you're trying to do something good, to help a bad thing seem a little bit less bad, and then some guy you don't even know talks about how much your flyer sucks. Like I made the flyer so he'd think it was cool? Like I entered it into his stupid contest, or like the whole point of this show was to seem "cool" to people or to impress the assholes over at the New Times (the paper they can't sell, so they have to give it away). The really terrible situation happened to ME, and because of that, I'm trying to make something good come out of it, hence the tribute picture of Ramsey. I wanted to picture him in a good place, with wings, flying and happy, and not have the picture in my head of him laying dead on the side of the road with his eyes open.
So I'm sorry if the flyer didn't make his "cool" list, or if I didn't have some ironic artwork on it that makes me hip or trendy. I'm 27 FUCKING years old, and I'm over trying to be ironic and trendy. Doing something for a good cause should be what's trendy, unfortunately, selfishness rules.
I emailed him to let him know that I didn't appreciate him taking a really difficult situation and making fun of it. I asked him to consider that there are real people and real situations behind these kinds of things, and to pull it off of the internet solely for the cause of making fun of it - man, heartless.
The guy wrote me back and apologized. He said he's just trying to stir artists in this town to make better flyers. As if that's what is really important these days. I mean, we've got a huge election coming up, we're at war, our economy sucks, people abuse animals... but hey! Let's find flyers we don't think are "good" and tear people down because of it. Yeah, that's important.

Well, John was pretty pissed, and here's what he posted over at the BlackJacket myspace:

***Current mood: angry

So the new music editor for the New Times started talking shit about the flyer that was made for the benefit show (Oct 11th). Talking about how a flyer should look because he is the "who's who" in flyer making. As if there are not more important things to talk about in this world. This know-it-all has so much time on his hands to trash a show that bands are supporting for a good cause. I know that people will go to this show non the less because they like the bands but the cause too. Ramsey (dog with wings) was a dog that didn't get a chance to be loved by someone. He was hit by a car hours before he was rescued from an abandoned home. I think the best way to remember this dog is raise some cash but most importantly to make people aware of all the abuse of animals that goes on in phoenix. At least we stand for something.

Just in case Martin Cizmar does not want to post my comment on his illustrious "Up on the Sun" blog. Here it is.

I get it. I get it. People go to shows nowadays because the flyer looks a certain way and its not the music that attracts, or the cause. Everyone is shallow I guess. Its about being hip and popular and doing what everyone else is doing. I have finally found a purpose now in music. You've made it clear to me now. Thank you, such clarity and insight that you have. Its so obvious that you have such a passion for your job - making a joke about people who care about animals. You should be proud. You are making a difference in peoples lives. I am changed man. You probably hate babies with cancer too, so lets find a flyer so we can make fun of that cause too.

Lets talk some more since I have so much time on my hands to criticize people who are trying to do something good.

Lucky! Thats what you get paid for. Where do I apply?***

So I think it's really nice that John stood up for what we're doing. I also think it's pretty interesting that this New Times guy posts whatever he wants, and talks shit about whatever he wants, but in order to post a response to his blog, he has to approve the comments. So if they're not in his favor, he doesn't post? Interesting how people think it's okay to hand shit out to people, unwarranted, but can't take it back. PUSSY!
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