theres so much more i could say,so many ideas my brain might burst

Oct 02, 2005 01:49

so, lets put on our thinking caps.
... i was discussing with chris the connection between spiritual and physical substance. and we were firing back and forth ideas on how they can be related and examples of them applied to everyday life. this conversation couldnt have come at a more precise time. tonight i decided to go downtown and just see what was going on. i ended up in waldenbooks of all places looking at nonfiction. i found this cute little number on the essentials of mystics by andrew harvey. it discusses the different theories on a human souls "journey". it contains grouped extracts from different religious groups. i think its interesting to see how different branches of religion go about explaining one's soul.

personally...i agree with the notion that there is a spiritual plane and quite obviously a physical one. the physical plane of exsistence is in the norm...with connections intertwined in the spiritual but not so easily detectable. i think if there is a connection to be made between that of spiritual and physical understanding it is most obviously apparent [as chris pointed out,and i entirely agree with] in nature. nature is a beautiful working of intricate detail and amazing concidence. everything in nature seems to be programmed that its many aspects go hand in hand and rely on one another to complete its process. so if nature's physical substance is to complete a most perfect exsistence...the same can be said for human nature.
one can become a part of nature. either in a physical ...or a spiritual way. hence, the notion that all substances underlying are one.

so then there is the substance of nature. what is human nature on a spiritual level ? often times this internal drive felt by many is an outreach for understanding and yearning for a higher being.does this so called belief in a higher power just that or is it simply human nature to discover purpose in life ? also, is a persons drive for a comfortable belief in "god" understandable by a subject of something completely objective and natural such as a moon flower's [scientific name Ipomea alba; Calonyction aculeatum] natural instinct [what have you] to open its petals and wait for pollination from night-flying moths.its a long stretch but my mind can make the connection.
chris "so! we are thus extensions of god, our bodies are physical aspects, our spirits or souls or whatever are the spiritual aspect, but they are both extensions of the same nature, life, then substance is just nature"
me "yeah and entirely life and your aspect of god"

in personal opinion, everything under the realm of possibility has the same drive. this drive whether it be physical, spiritual, or natural is composed of the same substance. so evrything is built upon itself.

this could all be seen as completely vague, and objective...but i look forward to working on this theory and giving it more thought and possibility.ive just begun to lay out my ideas.
if you have any extensions on these thoughts...i would love to hear them. feel free to add a religious spin if you choose to...or a darwinist expression even haha. i think all possibilities could be included and broken down to fit in.
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