(no subject)

Apr 07, 2005 01:14

i need more TIME !!!!!!!
i have so much to do this weekend i could almost just about burst.i am going to be responsible with my time (to the best of my abilities minus friday night.....annndd saturday night too) HAAAA. im gonna get all my paper work done for sure though.i cant keep putting it off !
school is going well...classes are dragging on like there is no end in site.i feel like half of my brain is gone though,already in summertime without a look back lol.

do you ever just have a memory and you think you can even smell the memory?? i love those. today i smelled patchouli and had such a vivid memory,it was crazy.

SIGH.boys. good sigh or bad sigh i dont know lol ;]

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