Jan 02, 2005 11:29
+ graduated high school
+ met strangers in Orlando, who turned out to be really awesome. i even took one to prom.
+ tried to get things with Christina back on track
- finally realized we were beating a dead dog, so we both just backed down
+ went to Tom's a lot
-/+ had brown hair for the first time ever
+ went to gainesville, spontaneously, for the first time
+ cut 9 inches off my hair; my first drastic haircut since middle school
- gained weight
+ for the first time ever, really figured out my friendships
+ worked at all ports, made great friends with fred
- hated all ports, finally left
+ really got political, and informed, for the first time ever
+ actually had several, consistent, cold days
- didn't spend enough time with my grandmother, at all
+ spent more time with wendy than i have, ever
+ i had the best realationship a person could ever ask for
- and it ended
+ i finally got my eyebrows to look the way i wanted them too, kind of
- i had tons of fun in Orlando with Christy and Aileen
+ spent a lot of time having cool conversations with my dad
+ started having unofficial, but fairly regular dinners with my dad last minute, at random small places near my house
- only went to the cemetary twice
+ got my first credit card
- racked it up big time
- somehow, developed an even worse coffee habit
+ had my first ever, really-fun-on-my-own-non-family new years eve
- realized that i really just want to get out of here, i've wasted so much time
+ bought several pairs of shoes
+ went to revolver and pop life a few times and had fun
+ was so drunk, so many times
+/- tried to play (and coach) softball
- got my ass handed to me by 10 year olds
- barely saved any money
- took it really bad when everyone moved to gainesville
+ had danny put up with me and be awesome through the whole thing
+ opened a checking account
+/- took over paying ALL my own bills
- went negative in the bank a hundred time
- stopped doing hair - atleast for some time
Goals for 2005:
-keep checkbook balanced
-work out, eat better
-start school!!!