Sep 12, 2004 09:56
Hey Hey! lol ok here are my classes this year so far..
1. Math
2. Yearbook
3. Band
4. Science
5. Reading
6. Language Arts
7. Social Studies
Yay! Have every class with Mariah for the first time sence like 3rd grade but, I only have band and yearbook with Malia and that sucks major! lol That is a weird way to express it...haha.
Well, Yesterday i had looooooaaaaaaddddssss of fun with Emily and Malia! First i invited them to go to a movie with me sence Shelbie's dad said that she was sick or actually, he said that she had diareah....(sp) but she really didn't so..ya! Anyways, we went and saw Nepoleon Dynimight. Well, i dont know how to spell it so..ya. Then we went and played volleyball for like 6 hours and Emily had the best save and i had the best dive! YA! Well, really we played the same game the whole time and it was alot of fun! I almost pissed my pants from laughing so hard about something though there was alot of stuff to laugh about so i don't remember so SORRY! lol
Then right before i had to leave we had to wash off our feet because they were dirty! So, we filled the jet bathtub up over the jets and the water was green from it...EWW...It was so Gross!!!!!!
Then, When i got home i had to go pick-up my brother from Y-Night! OMG! He and his friend looked like fags!! It was so funny! ahahahah i am still laughing..
Well, Today i might get to go get my cellphone! It is a picture phone too. And sence i am sharing a plan with my Grandmother i only have to pay half of what the phone is and my mom is paying for half of the $20 bill so i only have to pay 10 so i am happy! Ya.
Well, i got to go do something. OH..I have lost alot of weight and i am so happy! My pants i bought for school are already really big! YAY! Well, BYE!