staying with hale

Mar 24, 2005 23:50

so i thought i was going to die today when i was on the plane that fit 40 people and it was really turbulent, but i think this near-death experience connected me with god...strange. but finally after getting to the airport i thought i was gonna have to hunt down the bus that takes me to grand central and then the the train that takes me from nyc to new haven and the whole trip would be about 3-4 hours. turns out hale surprised me at the airport, but when he came up behind me i thought i was getting attacked or kidnapped or something...even though it was in the middle of the day at a crowded baggage claim area. so i'm back here safe and sound in new haven, but the thing that attracts my attention is the lonely homeless man outside hale's apartment cursing about stuff but i don't think he's talking to anyone. i've just been informed that he comes by haven...shudder shudder.

so i watched supersize me today and i thought it was the stupidest thing ever. basically this guy had nothing but mcdonalds for a month to show how unhealthy mcdonalds and all other fast food places are. the whole thing is stupid, b/c we all know that it's disgusting unhealthy to begin with and if you don't, you need to get out more. anyway, it wasn't just about eating mcdonalds, because he ate the most unhealthy stuff there like big macs and shit and pretty much ate until he vomited. he pretty much gained 30-40 pounds over a month and all of his doctors told him to stop or he could die or something but he didn't just to make money off of this stupid movie. i get that he's trying to show that americans don't follow a healthy life-style but that's clearly by choice. just like how the people who sued mcdonalds for making them fat is the stupiest thing i've ever heard. anyway i'm just ranting cuz that movie really annoyed me.

btw if you haven't checked out the whole stinkymeat thing you's fun.
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