Aug 10, 2004 17:25
havn't written in a can be more hectic than i thought.
I got new livejournal picthingies (yay for me!!!). My backs finally starting to feel better after my car accident
(if you don't know...idiot guy hit me going really fast) [Now you know}
been cleaning house...
trying to talk bryan into getting me a hedgehog for my birthday (they are so cute!!!)
Enrolled in classes for this semester coming up
(bio, bio lab (3 hrs?!?!), sighn language, theater
(should be fun) composition, and NV History(ick!) plus work, plus trying to get a new job
(I am so done with Payless, like 5 minutes ago) Hoping to get a job at the huge toy store
fao shwartz everyone wish me luck
(can you imagine me in a toy store? Thats like 10 times better than shoes!!!) for those of you who dont know, its a three story toy store in the forum shops at caesars palace. TOYS!!!
Found out that jasmine and scott had 4 year anniversary (aww) and Mike had his
25th birthday(yay again) congrats to everyone...
I hope Mandy's feeling better (just for the jumping is a dangerous sport...but horses are not evil :)
Still have the cookie monster that says cowabunga that i rescued from rocky....
Bryan is threatning to take it to the range and shoot sad is that!?!?
trying to get a scrapbook together of our nyc vacation...going very slowly....
mostly b/c bryan keeps putting off making me a cd of pics...
Me and him are getting along great by the way. (he's really very cuddly when hes not around..people..)
...we're both still completely broke from our vacation.....
i love our apartment, myself, my friends and Bryan
P.S. I thought it very amusing that mandy pushed the little atari remote morphine button the maximum amount of all fairness, i would have done the same thing!!!