Apr 15, 2004 01:49
Hmmm…. Good news, my computer is now working wonderfully. (thank you so much Ian!) In attempt to avoid my homework I think I managed to take almost every quiz on the internet, as well as consume everything near me. I use the term “I am on a diet” loosely. Now I feel that I have come in touch with who I really am. (ha ha not serious) Here is a synopsis of my results from this evening’s search. If I was a “messed up Barbie doll” I would be ‘Got Back Barbie’. I am apparently the “closest thing ever to a true black Barbie” and I should “shake my fat money makers”. Well I can tell you one thing…that is something I personally love and dream to hear. So I continued on my journey to find who I really am. (My computer is my shrink, if you haven’t noticed) I took another quiz to see who I will marry. And even better news…I will be marrying Orlando Bloom. Hopefully the quiz site will send him the memo. I also found out that if I belong in a movie it would be Tarzana. Anyway, I was feeling pretty good about all my results and then I clicked on “the big love test” which ruined all my fun! It should have been called “the quiz that seems perfectly normal until we flash really creepy pictures that will make you want to crawl in a hole and hope to never fall in love” Congratulations to the site for successfully ruining my evening and stopping me from become a preteen again. (my preteen life was occupied mostly by the lame quizzes and surveys I now vehemently joke about). It was a little to… um…out there…it told me I desired passionate love (which is fine with me). However the site then preceded to display this outrageous picture with two lovers, not naked but wearing loin clothes, with horns...or possibly a really weird hat??? Maybe it was a mask….??? Maybe a costume for Halloween??? Still not sure on that one and I think I will never know the truth. Well if you think what I have explained to you is bad….just wait…because it gets worst! It also explained that I feel the desire to “melt into my love”, which was accompanied with flames that looked like they were actually burning the flesh off the two people. I am still unsure if the fire was suppose to represent the flames of passion...or maybe an out of control barbque fire??? (still really confussed) Either way, I will probably not be lighting candles, grilling out, or hanging around a camp fire for a long time. I think this picture should be posted on highways. It definitely has the potential to frighten people into abstinence as well as teaching the imporatnce of fire control. Sooooo….um…yeah, I am speechless on that. So after contemplating my “new” life, I realized that finding myself is good…but I should probably not find myself on the internet. However, it allowed me to waste my evening without touching my political economy essay.