Aug 22, 2005 11:55
I am so fuckin frustrated at the moment I can bairly see straight..
1) I am fuckin exhausted 2) I feel like shit
I found out last night I have to work with dumb bitch today I am so fuckin thrilled .. I hate this bitch .. thus I feel that this shift is going to just fuckin go by soooooo slow.
Then last night. My boss sprung it on me I had to train this new person .. and well that was fun.. The old guy was nice enough .. he was just FUCKIN OLD.. had a pace maker.. and arthritis.. and a bum knee and asthma.. and I had to take breaks from walking very slowly for him to catch his breath doing rounds..
Boss man called up mom today .. and mom thinking he might be calling back about the change of shift I requested .. *which I told her last night was going to be impossible cause new dude was hell bent on 3rd shift* so she shouldnt have answered the phone.. she answers it .. and fuckin Boss man .. demanded she work wens for him.. fuckin DEMANDED.. wtf.. SO me hearing this first thing when I wake up .. and am pissy cause I am fuckin exhausted and feel like ass .. I fly off the handle.. and make mom feel like ass .. which I didnt mean to do but .. JESUS.. just because your a supervisor .. does that mean you get special perks of being a dick ... I mean come on ..
So moms at the airport now.. picking Krista up.. I am about to start getting ready for work .. I have a headache.. I DO not want to go to work tonight.. and will be so overjoyed to go home.. I think I might just come home at 10pm and drink myself retarded.
My room still isnt cleaned.. my bathroom however is thanks to mom being an angel and cleaning it for me last night ..
I fuckin hate people.. I mean .. jesus.. we both show up for shift.. and dont cause trouble.. and do our fuckin job.. and like there is NO one else out of the people who work that post who might not want some extra hours..
Dont call me .. dont call her.. I just want to put in my 8 hrs.. on my days .. and her 8 hrs her days.. and enjoy the time we have off .. off..
And then I find out .. also .. that Dr. Moran doesnt do surgery but on wens.. so haha ... blows my idea of having surgery on a mon and having 4 days to recover and then going back to work like I am suppose to .. I dont know what I am gonna do about that shit .. I need to have it done .. but I cant afford to be taking time off.. and Moms all gun ho about workin 2 doubles that weekend .. NO fuckin way..
Its a mess..
I wish someone would just put me out of my fuckin misery..
Maybe If I am lucky .. a truck doing 97 miles an hour will fuckin hit me on the way to work..
Best case .. I die..
Worst case.. I live .. fucked up .. but live.. and sue the shit out of the person .. and live off the money the rest of my life.