Apr 28, 2006 16:27
Ok wow! its been quite some time since ive graced you all with my presence and my deep thoughts on life, love, happiness and so on. Sadly enough to say i havent been updating because there hasnt been anything worth it enough to update about.
I finally got a job. Which is splendid you can say. I actually love it.
Probably because its my sisters deli, and i get to spend all this quality time with her that i havent' had the chance to in the past couple of years. Everyone has been so involved with their own lives lately, or so ive noticed as im getting older that its getting scary how much i dont see people anymore. I Dont even see Teena like i should be. Its like shes in a whole other world. weird. and it just creeps me out.
Im waiting for my darling friend Jackie to pick me up, so if i have to cut this entry short..you know why ahead of time.
We are going to the weschester, which i guess is exciting out of my everyday boring life. I wanted to dye my hair blonde today but something inside me is telling me i should wait. But im tired of waiting. So, expect my hair to be back blonde soon. (and im thinking of putting red streaks in it too) not to much but think of my new attitude as 'subtle and different'ya know? mmhuh.
AP tests are coming up and so are SATS and im absolutely not ready, nor do i even have the ounce of determination in my body to be like "OH YEAH!!! im gunna rock these tests!" because, i probably wont.
Overall grades are spectacular. Except math. of course there's always something. My math teacher is a deusch.
George is going in the Army in 4 days, and i dont believe it. Its just been held off for so long that im not going to believe it until it actually happens. Horrible i know. Because once he leaves who am i going to call when i have cramps to complain? or when i need someone to tell me goodnight my baby? I just...people take things for granted waaay too much. And lately i have been appriciating everything.
And i love the person that i have become. I love who i am. Its a great feeling.
Time is flying by, and before we know it it's may. Im really upset though that its the end of april and i still get the chills when i walk outside. There is something seriously wrong with the weather.
Well kids, thats all thats new with me lately. Sorry if i had bored you to death.
LOVE! xoxo
P.S I absolutely addoooooreeee buying summer clothes adn getting prepared for my summer abroad. I dont even know if im going still but im pretty much just telling myself i definetly am. So its all set.
.....................55 DAYS!!!! nothing!!!! 55 DAYS!!.......................