Jun 24, 2005 03:42
If anyone knows James Badgett Dale, introduce me to him. Seriously.
I am addicted to Kelly Clarkston's new album. Addicted. Get it? Heh.
My other new addiction: Vanity Fair magazine. The new goal: to become one of their writers. Oh yeah. The plan: Overeducate myself. That seems to be the story on a lot of their current writers. Does anyone know if they're really left wing? They made me despise Nixon. They actually have an office in the suburbs. I'm seriously thinking of calling them. "Are you currently accepting interns at your locale?"
I'm not scheduled to work till Saturday. Three free days. I thought I would get a lot accomplished. Nada.
Marathon training 2010 has commenced. It sucks. But it's happening.
I've also started dreaming again. I don't think I seriously dreamt in college. As in during sleep. But as per usual they're bizarre. Which makes me think, the Book 2020 may start.