pacman and oliver Originally uploaded by
pinklightning. You all failed my UFO test except for Brenna, since shes the only one that answered. If you have a few brief moments, you really should comment on my previous post stating your opinions on UFOs/aliens.
New subject.
Stuff On My Cat. I have submitted a picture of Oliver to hopefully get published in their upcoming book.
They will be accepting 50 of the submitted pictures. Brenna also submitted an excellent picture of Craig. I hope we get in. It took me so long to get a picture of Oliver with the cherries on him. He HATED it. I finally gave up after trying for several days and a few exhausting hours on the last day for entrance to the contest. I tried everything, but Oliver was not happy and kept on running away and meowing all sad. I finally gave up and told him he was ruining his chance to become famous. A couple hours later he fell asleep and I was able to sneak in a shot. I hope he gets in.