Aug 30, 2005 17:53
okay so this has been by far the best summer ever and i cant believe it has ended. although it ended different then it did when it started it was by far the best and i cant say i was ever bored with it. i am kinda excited bout school just for the clothes and to see everyone again on a regualr basis. but the ppl i really wanted to be with i have hung out with all summer..... jenna always there and jen i cant believe our nights sometimes and ashley loved shopping like always and missed ya the second half of summer.
so sunday night i finally hung out with brit who i havent in forever and i really missed those talks we always had. we saw 40 year old virgen and i loved it. it was so funny. i came home 45 minutes late and mom was more than mad. last night i went out with sam and we just talked for hours...i came home almost 2 hours late and mom was so pissed. but it deff. worth it to me. today i was woken up my ash and jenna calling me and ashley hyper self pumped to go shopping. bored with the usual we went to wrenthem outlets. they were awesome and i got lots of great stuff. i think my mom is so mad at me cause i went with out permission from her or dad but i could honestly care less it was the last day of was a good day n i love my friends. im so tired and was supposed to go to a game with sam but due to rain and how tired i am he was nice and let me off the hook.
well i am out to pick out my outfit and get ready for senior year.....
<3 chelsey